Tag Archives: acting-class

Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Nicki Minaj is such a fucking joker, who looks like a fat black joker, but who is just a fucking scam. She’s out in a see through outfit showing her fat tit and dark nipple, because of course she fucking is. All I see is thick vile thighs of an overeater rubbing together, in the grossest of ways. I mean look at that underwear she’s got on, it’s fucking huge. The transition of her being some cast from the fucking Acting Class to be Nicki Minaj, becoming Lil Kim all racy, in efforts to stay relevant…is just proof she’s a fucking scam, shapeshifter of a very large sized shape…tricking the morons watching. But she’s showing tit, and that’s always worth looking at, at least these whores are giving us something, nipple or whatever in their making of a lot of fucking money. There was a time when you didn’t see the fat whore on stage’s nipple when she was whoring…so I like to see this as progress…terrible looking, diabetes filled…progress. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Ashley Williams wedding photos

The Something Borrowed actress – clad in ivory Augusta Jones – and Dodson, who have been a couple since meeting eight years ago in acting class, exchanged vows they wrote themselves in front of an intimate gathering of about 50 guests. “We wanted an intimate, farm-inspired wedding,” bride Ashley Williams tells PEOPLE of her May 29 nuptials to producer Neal Dodson, held at the Nashville home of her sister Kimberly Williams-Paisley and country star Brad Paisley. “We basically planned an upscale

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Ashley Williams wedding photos

Amy Adams Gave Birth To A Lovely Baby Girl

American actress Amy Adams recently gave birth to a lovely baby girl Aviana Olea last Saturday in Los Angeles. Two-time Oscar nominee Adams is extremely happy with her first child. “Mom and baby are home and doing great,” her rep said. “Everyone’s healthy and happy.” Aviana is the first child for Adams and her fiancé, actor Darren LeGallo. The two met in an acting class in 2001 and got engaged seven years later. Amy Adams Gave Birth To A Lovely Baby Girl is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Remains Of The Day: Lady Gaga Naked With A Teacup

Lady Gaga celebrated her 24th birthday this Sunday with a friendly tweet. Say hello to Lady Gaga and her red teacup. This a little late — but another krazy kakes Lady Gaga quote dribbled out of from that fateful New York magazine interview. Now our Lady of Gah can….give herself orgasms? “I remember the first time that I drank out of an imaginary coffee cup. That’s the very first thing they teach you (in acting class). I can feel the rain, too, when it’s not raining. I don’t know if this is too much for your magazine, but I can actually mentally give myself an orgasm. You know, sense memory is quite powerful.” She truly is the most talented being on earth. Yes. Yes, she is. ~Melissa Noble Continue reading