Tag Archives: through-outfit

Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Nicki Minaj is such a fucking joker, who looks like a fat black joker, but who is just a fucking scam. She’s out in a see through outfit showing her fat tit and dark nipple, because of course she fucking is. All I see is thick vile thighs of an overeater rubbing together, in the grossest of ways. I mean look at that underwear she’s got on, it’s fucking huge. The transition of her being some cast from the fucking Acting Class to be Nicki Minaj, becoming Lil Kim all racy, in efforts to stay relevant…is just proof she’s a fucking scam, shapeshifter of a very large sized shape…tricking the morons watching. But she’s showing tit, and that’s always worth looking at, at least these whores are giving us something, nipple or whatever in their making of a lot of fucking money. There was a time when you didn’t see the fat whore on stage’s nipple when she was whoring…so I like to see this as progress…terrible looking, diabetes filled…progress. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicki Minaj is Out in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Sofia Resing See Through at an Event of the Day

Her name Sofia Resing, she’s a “Brazilian Model”..with a fantastic fucking body…who is represented by Women 360 New York, Women Milan, Major Paris, Storm London, Uno Spain, Modellink Sweden, Ford Miami, Way Sampa, 40 Graus Rio, Vision Cape Town, … Lots of agencies for a woman I’ve never heard of… Which is the most extensive list of modeling agencies I’ve ever seen an instagram model rock, but instagram models like vegans love listing these agencies, even key major agencies, that don’t actually make them any money, but that sign them in hope they go viral because they have more than 10,000 followers and they know they can run campaigns through them…simple.. But she matters to me – because she hangs out in see through dresses… TO See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Sofia Resing See Through at an Event of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sofia Resing See Through at an Event of the Day

Caroline Vreeland Tight See Through Outfit for London Fashion Week of the Day

Caroline Vreeland has been trying to get famous on social media for a long fucking time, I mean I’m talking 6 or 7 years that I’ve been following her, I mean barely following her, but one of her followers, I couldn’t tell you the last time she popped up in my feed or I watched her story, because I find her annoying, but I’ve still known of her…and seen her tactics…trying to be a pop star, never being a popstar, turned instagram girl with MASSIVE tits she has no problem showing off, who found some niche in fashion because of distant relative of hers was big in the industry so she gets the invites, mooching off other social media girls, literally sidekicking them like a groupie or personal assistant, attending ALL the events with them, but NEVER making it on her own… Forcing her to show up to events in a mesh tight outfit, squeezing her weird body all together, massive tits, cuz she has massive tits, massive tits that don’t excite people like other massive tits other girls have used to be relevant, and still no one cares about her….but at least she has fun… She’s not that hot, not that ugly, face looks crooked like someone stepped on her face when she was a baby and but the tits are alright. The post Caroline Vreeland Tight See Through Outfit for London Fashion Week of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Caroline Vreeland Tight See Through Outfit for London Fashion Week of the Day

Kim Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Kim Kardashian wore a see through outfit because of course she did, she’s Kim Kardashian and broadcasting her tits to the world is pretty much what she does when she feels in need of some media attention, some paparazzi coverage, to remind people that she still exists, that she is still shameless, that she is empowered as she makes her billions off brands who support trash…it’s just what she does… Not to mention, OJ getting out is a great new storyline for the family to take, so you know they are all giving each other handjobs, or maybe just jerking off Bruce’s cock they have as a table centerpiece cuz they are nuts…to celebrate the new found interest in them as they continue to exploit.. I mean they must be on the DECLINE finally…they are so fucking boring…aren’t people bored yet….PLEASE…be bored.. Big tits…though. The post Kim Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kim Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Khloe Kardashian the monster Khloe Kardashian the one everyone who watches their show likes because she’s apparently funny, as she would have to be, to not be taken out back and shot by the mom because the mom knows she’s not a fucking earner, or that she’s bringing the whole litter down, and that she needs to be removed. You know the kind of narcissist who can’t accept that such a creature crawled out of her womb when she was doing coke with Nicole Brown…off OJs Dick….but figured if she had personality..she could be redeemed…until she was ready to spend 100,000 dollars on surgeries and injections to make her look fuckable… This is Khloe Kardashian fuckable…looking like every instagram model in an instagram filter…but still fuckable…and I’d say it is magic, but it’s really just modern face injection science all the high school girls are saving up for thanks to this evil family… Not sure why she’s in a see through outfit, but we can assume it has to do with being shameless whores who want to be naked as often as they can, it’s in their contract with their mom, and more importantly, when you get rebuilt, you know a new new paintjob, you want to show it off…but it’s still TERRIFYING to me. The post Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Caroline Vreeland Naked in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Caroline Vreeland is someone I’ve been following on instagram since I started MY FIRST INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT BEFORE HAVING IT DELETED 4 TIMES YEARS AGO She’s an aspiring singer, possibly a fixtue in the LA thing, a girl with a rockin’ set of massive tits who once auditioned for American Idol but never made it, and who now gets naked for FASHION because she pretends her grandmother was the editor of VOGUE or something and it worked because people believe what they are told… Well, she’s gone from silly social media playing with her big tits being him – to silly photoshoots with her big tits and I have to say…I like her progress… She charges upwards of 10,000 dollars an instagram post, which is just absurb…but those tits are definitely worth 10 dollars a song…this is a example of if only she was a stripper…..she’d be in her actual element…but I guess in a way she is still stripping…magic…but not really.. The post Caroline Vreeland Naked in a See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Caroline Vreeland Naked in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Keke Palmer Nipple of the Day

Keke Palmer fucking loves the press, she loves the paparazzi, she loves to wear outrageous see through outfits and every time she gets the chance to show off them tits, cuz they are just tits, desensitize that shit like she’s up in Africa in a Tribe and they are National Geographic…only the modern version of that…not because she’s black, but because the most fascinating thing in humanity right now is the narcissism, shamelessness, attention seeking, validating…they all want to get…and that they show their tits for..tits I like looking at- cuz they are tits…people are gonna call me racist for comparing her to National Geographic tribal people – and that’s just racist of you – cuz all I see is human…as we are all god’s people… The post Keke Palmer Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Keke Palmer Nipple of the Day

Kendall Jenner See Through Outfit of the Day

Kendall Jenner is a very important model who shows her tits on the internet…and on the runway – because she’s so fucking classy…and luxurious like her gutter porn family and all their disgusting behavior…. What a fucking joke, looking at her walking her model walk you know her dad/mom trained her for when she was a little girl because it was the onlything IT could relate to her on… SHe’s making this serious face, like she’s all serios…anothing thing she’s worked on and the whole thing…fucking terrible…but you can see her ass cheeks and even some nipple…because everyone shows their nipples…it’s the internet generation… She’s not even good looking – what is this shit… The post Kendall Jenner See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner See Through Outfit of the Day

Ashley James See Through Outfit at Some Premiere of the Day

Smart and classy outfit choice by some girl named Ashley James. This is the kind of thing you’d want to see your daughter wear to her grandmother’s funeral…or to her job interview at the strip club…because you’re a bad father and you like jerking off to tits you made…you know like the time you jerked off to that pocket pussy you made out of deli meat, melon and that dead hooker… I don’t know what I’m saying other than that Ashley James knew she was going to a premiere and behaved accordingly…because I don’t even know who Ashley James is…and I am compelled to google her…. Not that this site is relevant…or that people care who I know or who I post about…or what I think about them. I just figure if her tits got my attention, they’ll get the attention of other pervert creeps who like nipples because our mom never breast fed us, or breast fed us too much, because we are coded to like tits… I am going to guess she’s pretty fucking low level…at a low level event – you know reality show trash…trying to stay relevant…at a premiere trying to get any attention it can but no one wants to attend – so they give invites to anyone…. and I am going to guess that’s a good tactic…because here I am looking at nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ashley James See Through Outfit at Some Premiere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley James See Through Outfit at Some Premiere of the Day

Elettra Lamborghini See Through Outfit of the Day

It’s safe to say that this Elettra Lamborghini is not the heiress to the Lamborghini fortune….but that doesn’t mean she’s not the heiress to Lamborghini…because rich people are almost as trashy as the trashy girls with fake tits trying to get famous…you know there’s that grey area cross over of whether Lamborghini is your stripper name, your birth name, or your porn name….but it doesn’t matter because she’s some EURO trash from reality TV who showed up to MTV events in a see-through outfit, because that’s the kind of classy she is…or that the world is…just put it all out there and hope for the hits the internet will give your rugged fucking face… Either way, she’s an angel… The post Elettra Lamborghini See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elettra Lamborghini See Through Outfit of the Day