Tag Archives: naked-as-often

Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

Khloe Kardashian the monster Khloe Kardashian the one everyone who watches their show likes because she’s apparently funny, as she would have to be, to not be taken out back and shot by the mom because the mom knows she’s not a fucking earner, or that she’s bringing the whole litter down, and that she needs to be removed. You know the kind of narcissist who can’t accept that such a creature crawled out of her womb when she was doing coke with Nicole Brown…off OJs Dick….but figured if she had personality..she could be redeemed…until she was ready to spend 100,000 dollars on surgeries and injections to make her look fuckable… This is Khloe Kardashian fuckable…looking like every instagram model in an instagram filter…but still fuckable…and I’d say it is magic, but it’s really just modern face injection science all the high school girls are saving up for thanks to this evil family… Not sure why she’s in a see through outfit, but we can assume it has to do with being shameless whores who want to be naked as often as they can, it’s in their contract with their mom, and more importantly, when you get rebuilt, you know a new new paintjob, you want to show it off…but it’s still TERRIFYING to me. The post Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Khloe Kardashian See Through Outfit of the Day

India Salvor Menuez by Harley Weir for Purple of the Day

India Salvor Menuez is some hipster in NYC with orange pubic hair, who I can tell by these pictures is pretty fucking annoying in how she intellectualizes the white feminist plight….the kind of girl who does some period art, or who advertisers her orange bush like it’s some kind of artist statement – without realizing that bush is fucking awesome and it’s also NATURAL and normal…something lazy fat people who don’t fuck also have and celebrate…it’s not a fucking socio economic political theory stance to have… But with that comes some responsibility to get naked as often as she can to get noticed – because she’s got some higher purpose things to say…she’s got a message to get across…and instagram followers to try to collect…because that’s all these people who pretend to have any depth are after…with their shameless narcissism and self promotion… This isn’t smut – this is art…. The post India Salvor Menuez by Harley Weir for Purple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

India Salvor Menuez by Harley Weir for Purple of the Day

Some Overrated Rat Cow Nude of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski makes me laugh…you’d assume she’d have expired by now and that no one would care about her now…but yet she’s still doing nude shoots for atteention… She gets naked as often as she can, it’s her marketing strategy that works…because her fake tits are so crucial to everything that is her career and existence..because her fake tits are so almost not fake that they are great to look at…while the rest of her is average at best…but with the fake tits that may not be fake but that are fake or aren’t they fake that make her above average… Which is awesome, for her…for us…for everyone….because her body is…hot… She’s just proof that you don’t need talent to get work…something we already knew before…you just need followers and all you need to get followers is to get naked and own that naked…and that’s just great… She came along and made it work for her..while barely working…but more importantly, she helped many men come…because they like tits. She’s the TILA TEQUILA of the instagram generation…and I think I love her, but only cuz she hates me..something I like it girls I love.. Pics by Mark Sacro The post Some Overrated Rat Cow Nude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Some Overrated Rat Cow Nude of the Day

Christina Aguilera’s Fat Chick Fat Tit Comeback

So Christina Aguilera is trying on some high concept music, you know the kind of shit that reaches a whole new crowd, that huge and loyal hispanic market, who historically have no taste. So she’s singing in with some dude named Alejandro Fernandez, in what may be a great Love song that the hispanic fire appreciate because it reminds them of some shitty soap opera… He is clearly a hero in his country because his video has millions of views and has only been up for a few days…views Aguilera wants for herself now that America has turned their back on her due to her obesity…not that Obesity stops much in America…not even Kate Upton. The fun starts 2 minutes in when she’s in a bra and a high waisted skirt to hide her broken down mom who likes to eat cake…so much cake…stomach. This is what I think about Christina Aguilera in a bra…shit’s like getting electrocuted crossing the street when you’re just minding your own business cuz God is clearly against you…only with more cleavage…

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Christina Aguilera’s Fat Chick Fat Tit Comeback

Christina Aguilera’s Fat Chick Fat Tit Comeback

So Christina Aguilera is trying on some high concept music, you know the kind of shit that reaches a whole new crowd, that huge and loyal hispanic market, who historically have no taste. So she’s singing in with some dude named Alejandro Fernandez, in what may be a great Love song that the hispanic fire appreciate because it reminds them of some shitty soap opera… He is clearly a hero in his country because his video has millions of views and has only been up for a few days…views Aguilera wants for herself now that America has turned their back on her due to her obesity…not that Obesity stops much in America…not even Kate Upton. The fun starts 2 minutes in when she’s in a bra and a high waisted skirt to hide her broken down mom who likes to eat cake…so much cake…stomach. This is what I think about Christina Aguilera in a bra…shit’s like getting electrocuted crossing the street when you’re just minding your own business cuz God is clearly against you…only with more cleavage…

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Christina Aguilera’s Fat Chick Fat Tit Comeback

Rihanna’s Awesome See Through Top of the Day

I get so much hate mail for constantly posting pics of attention seeker Rihanna. It’s like people fucking hate this bitch, but not me, I think she’s pretty fucking perfect. You see she’s a nice mix of excessive trashy thanks to growing up ghetto in the Islands before being designed and crafted to be a puppet that reaches millions every fucking day…a task that is surely going to break her the fuck down eventually, and even now these little episodes, whether getting with woman beating men…who aren’t just rumoured women beaters…but dudes who have beat her…or whether it is getting half naked as often as possible because you can only assume she realizes she’s traded in her fucking soul for this life…so they might as well take her body too. Not to mention, she’s got a lot of fans, some of which are hot babes, who will start dressing like this when they leave the house, because that’s how drone behavior works, and you know what, I dig it… She’s falling off hard…but she’s falling off right..and she still sells millions of records and sells out concerts…so it’s a fucking win….until she Amy Winehouses herself…but it was a good run. I’m a fan. To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Rihanna’s Awesome See Through Top of the Day

Rihanna’s Awesome See Through Top of the Day

I get so much hate mail for constantly posting pics of attention seeker Rihanna. It’s like people fucking hate this bitch, but not me, I think she’s pretty fucking perfect. You see she’s a nice mix of excessive trashy thanks to growing up ghetto in the Islands before being designed and crafted to be a puppet that reaches millions every fucking day…a task that is surely going to break her the fuck down eventually, and even now these little episodes, whether getting with woman beating men…who aren’t just rumoured women beaters…but dudes who have beat her…or whether it is getting half naked as often as possible because you can only assume she realizes she’s traded in her fucking soul for this life…so they might as well take her body too. Not to mention, she’s got a lot of fans, some of which are hot babes, who will start dressing like this when they leave the house, because that’s how drone behavior works, and you know what, I dig it… She’s falling off hard…but she’s falling off right..and she still sells millions of records and sells out concerts…so it’s a fucking win….until she Amy Winehouses herself…but it was a good run. I’m a fan. To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

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Rihanna’s Awesome See Through Top of the Day

Coco in an Offensive Fat Ass Staged Bikini Shoot of the Day

Coco is disgusting. I don’t know what or who got in her head and told her to pose half naked as often as possible after she left her life as a stripper for a man who could support her and make all her dreams come true….in a way that you would think would inspire her to not get half naked ever again cuz she doesn’t need to pay for baby formula like a common hooker anymore….she’s set….but I guess something happened in her youth…daddy issues…or some shit…where she needs to put herself out there as hard as she can…..cuz male attention is the only currency she knows….who fucking cares…cuz Coco, clothed or not…is disgusting. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Coco in an Offensive Fat Ass Staged Bikini Shoot of the Day

Coco in an Offensive Fat Ass Staged Bikini Shoot of the Day

Coco is disgusting. I don’t know what or who got in her head and told her to pose half naked as often as possible after she left her life as a stripper for a man who could support her and make all her dreams come true….in a way that you would think would inspire her to not get half naked ever again cuz she doesn’t need to pay for baby formula like a common hooker anymore….she’s set….but I guess something happened in her youth…daddy issues…or some shit…where she needs to put herself out there as hard as she can…..cuz male attention is the only currency she knows….who fucking cares…cuz Coco, clothed or not…is disgusting. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Coco in an Offensive Fat Ass Staged Bikini Shoot of the Day

American Apparel Sex Scandal of the Day

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy This is hilarious to me. I don’t know Dov Charney but he is from Montreal and a few years ago he called me a 3 in the morning asking me to re-program google. I am not joking. He was in his Montreal apartment with one of his young staffers and I could hear her giggling in the background. I don’t think she was 18, but that’s legal here so who fucking cares… What I do know is that these young cunts who work for him think he’s a god and throw themselves at him, he’s just a pervert like every one of you, and has the ablity to talk dirty in his own work environment, because it’s the empire he created and being a fucking ego came the ability to say what he wants to in his own workspace, but laws don’t let that happen… I’ve seen these young girls who think he’s a fucking celebrity, a hero, and they all fight for attention while he laughs at which minimum wage employee to take home with him to “model” for the night…and this is in every city he has a store in…The whole thing pretty fucking amazing… Until you fire a bitch, or get one groupie cunt who has remorse for being the slut she is, cuz it’s convenient to get on TV or money…. Hey, I’m not saying what he does is right, but no one shits on rockstars for fucking their groupies, and unfortunately that’s just what these hipster poser bitches are…the mistake is that he had them on payroll, and if I was him, I would have paid them on contract…cuz that way you can’t get sued for sexual harassment idiot…they are freelancers…get with the abuse program if you’re an abuser is what I always say…. They all just want Dov’s stamp of approval…until better opportunity or people to groupie come along…and based on the look of this girl, Dov shoulda chose a hotter one to get publicly outted for. I wonder if Ben from Ben and Jerry’s has the same issues when he visits his stores around the country… Follow Me

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American Apparel Sex Scandal of the Day