Tag Archives: action-classic

Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Kickboxer With Just the Kicking

Everyone knows there are kicks aplenty in the 1989 Jean-Claude Van Damme muy thai action classic Kickboxer , in which the Muscles from Brussels portrayed an American avenging his brother against a fearsome Thai fighter. But you really get an appreciation for just how many bone-crunching legs and feet and knees were unleashed in the action classic in this brilliantly hilarious, deceptively simple supercut that whittles Kickboxer down to, well, just the kicks. Your Monday must-watch is here. The crazy thing about this supercut is that, in addition to being strangely mesmerizing at times, the chronological edit comprised only of onscreen kicking scenes completely conveys Van Damme’s entire emotional arc as he goes from supportive cornerman to avenger-in-training to ring champ. It’s also a reminder of just how majestic Van Damme was in his prime, doing split kicks in mid-air and roundhousing heads left and right all young and oiled up and stretchy… Watch below and celebrate the kickingest movie of our time! [Via The Cussing Channel ]

More here:
Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Kickboxer With Just the Kicking

DVD: How Hard-Boiled Helped Create a New Brand of American Movie Nerd

John Woo’s action classic Hard Boiled makes its Blu-Ray debut this week (in a two-disc “Ultimate Edition” from Dragon Dynasty), and if you weren’t around in 1992, it’s hard to describe the impact that Hong Kong action cinema had on film nerds of the era.

See the article here:
DVD: How Hard-Boiled Helped Create a New Brand of American Movie Nerd