Tag Archives: actions-gets

FBI Training Materials Instruct Agents: Muslims Are Violent People Worshiping Cult Leader Mohammed


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FBI Director Robert S. Mueller The FBI is on the hot seat this week, over leaked documents belonging to the agency, used to train agents. According to the FBI training materials, “mainstream American Muslims” are “terrorist sympathizers” and Mohammed is a “cult leader.” The FBI describes all Muslim charitable giving to Islamic charities as donations to terrorism, described in the manuals as “Funding… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Judiciary Report Discovery Date : 16/09/2011 08:07 Number of articles : 2

FBI Training Materials Instruct Agents: Muslims Are Violent People Worshiping Cult Leader Mohammed

Google Voice Actions Gets 5 New Countries and Languages Across Europe


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Google Voice Actions hasn’t always been the most friendly to non-US languages, dialect and accent. Hell, even some US accents are hard for the software to pick up. Fortunately, we all know Google isn’t ever just sitting around and doing nothing. They’ve added five new European languages to Voice Actions including UK English, German, French, Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 16/09/2011 11:08 Number of articles : 2

Google Voice Actions Gets 5 New Countries and Languages Across Europe