Tag Archives: actor-really

Emma Watson Boring for Vogue Australia of the Day

The only reason I am posting these REALLY FUCKING boring pictures of Emma Watson in Vogue Australia, because she’s a high brow – fashion – celebrity…. Is because she’s got some pervert virgin loser comic loving wizard and dragon magic obsessed socially awkward live in their mom’s basement with their collection of toys still in their packaging fans….that have watched her grow up and jerked off to…because she was in that Wizard shit at a young age, something the aspergers fans probably couldn’t handle, but they waited until she turned 18 to actually get off to her (SURE THEY DID)…..and look at her now… Still a Potter girl, always a Potter girl, but in some fashion nonsense not showing her spread asshole, making me ask “Why the fuck do we care about this shit”…and the reality is we don’t…but her fans fucking do…so this one’s for them…because I assume there’s a lot of crossover between blogs and Harry Potter fans… To see the rest of the pics, they are boring CLICK HERE The post Emma Watson Boring for Vogue Australia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emma Watson Boring for Vogue Australia of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Titites Promoting Movies of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence, like all overrated sluts, who cry about equal rights from men, is out using her tits to promote her new movie, because we have seen her nudes and know she has great tits, even if the rest of her is so fucking boring… She’s had a ridiculous rise to the top of celebrity and I have no fucking idea how she got there, or how she worked it out like that, she’s not that great of an actor really…but she pulled off scams and those scams, her IMDB credits, all the money in her bank can only be backed up the way all sluts like backing up their success..and that is with her tits…and that can be reduced to her tits…. Cleavage spilling out everywhere, not enough to make me want to see her shitty movie, but enough to be reminded of Jennifer Lawrence and the LIE that she pulled off because the world accepts that she is a huge, talented, actor…but enough for me to LOOK at it…cuz great tits…are meant to be LOOKED at… She pulled the same stunt yesterday in a different titty dress – see it here TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence Titites Promoting Movies of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Lawrence Titites Promoting Movies of the Day