Tag Archives: actual-celebs

Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Here name is Lily Donaldson….She’s a model I have posted on before …..and I’m only putting these up cuz she’s in a bra…I know pretty fucking pathetic….normally I aim for bitches who aren’t actual celebs to at least show some fucking nipple, even models, you know to inspire me to waste my time posting on them…but he good news is that no one knows I exist so any posting standards I pretend to have don’t matter….and time wasted putting this up doesn’t matter either….cuz girls in bras isn’t exciting, especially when the girls showing bra are willing to get naked for fashion and probably have tons of topless pics already out there…but here are the pics anyway…

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Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Melissa Gorga’s Beach Part of the Day

Some Real Housewife trash playing it up for the paparazzi she probably hired…because that’s what bottom feeding trash do…I mean why else would every single one of her bikini pics be so posed and be trying so hard…especially when the bitch in the pics is someone I’ve never heard of…unless of course she’s a bottom feeeder on a budget who goes to the places actual celebs go and tries to seduce the paparazzi into shooting some pics of her doing anything that gets her noticed…while the other celebs are trying to avoid the cameras…you know like the opening act no one wants to see….but it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t matter…I’m just posting the pics cuz of the whole bikini thing…It’s a weakness.

The rest is here:
Melissa Gorga’s Beach Part of the Day