Tag Archives: redneck-face

Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Here name is Lily Donaldson….She’s a model I have posted on before …..and I’m only putting these up cuz she’s in a bra…I know pretty fucking pathetic….normally I aim for bitches who aren’t actual celebs to at least show some fucking nipple, even models, you know to inspire me to waste my time posting on them…but he good news is that no one knows I exist so any posting standards I pretend to have don’t matter….and time wasted putting this up doesn’t matter either….cuz girls in bras isn’t exciting, especially when the girls showing bra are willing to get naked for fashion and probably have tons of topless pics already out there…but here are the pics anyway…

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Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Miley Cyrus’ Shitty White Bra See Through Pics of the Day

I am a lot less interested in Miley Cyrus in a knitted sweater showing off what is either a sports bra, regular bra, bikini top or tank top, whatever you wanna call it…it isn’t her nipples….and more into her little pussy hugging shorts…even though Miley Cyrus is boring, played out, over 18 and not nearly scandalous enough to make up for her redneck face…she’s really just a good candidate to be K-Fedded…with all her daddy issues and addiction to love….but for some reason I’m compelled to post these pics…cuz it isn’t summer here and the last time I saw shorts on anyone was a dude leaving the gym…and Miley is better than that…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus’ Shitty White Bra See Through Pics of the Day