Tag Archives: actually-loves

Amber Rose Gets Twitter Love From Wiz And Reveals Why She Loves Being Called His “Babymama”

Amber Rose Says She Loves Being Called Wiz Khalifa’s Babymama Most women who have children or are currently toting around gut fulls of their boo-thangs hate to be referred to as just the babymama……but not Amber Rose. The big bellied mommy-banger-to-be says she actually loves when the future father of her lil Taylor Gang tot refers to her as his babymama. And there doesn’t seem to be any love lost on Wiz’s end either, as he took to his twitter with these love-dovey messages in response to Amber’s black from blonde beach photo she tweeted last week: Awww, how  hood cute. Hit the flip to hear why Ambeezy says she loves when Wiz bud Sr. calls her his babymama…

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Amber Rose Gets Twitter Love From Wiz And Reveals Why She Loves Being Called His “Babymama”

Katy Perry’s Shitty Ass in a Shitty Outfit of the Day

Russell Brand proposing to Katy Perry after dating for only a few months makes total sense to me, you know because he’s a fag and actually loves cock and she’s got the ass and the same taste in shoes someone with a cock. The only thing this waste of space twat has going for her is her tits and maybe the fact that she’s got HIV thanks to Russell Brand’s history of sharing needles, unfortunately for us though, he was just pretending to be a heroin addict for the book that made him famous in the UK that eventually made him famous here, it was satire which is code for bullshit, so unfortunately we’ll have to cross our fingers and hope a plane crashes into the multi-million dollar mansion they don’t deserve because they are hacks, but at least she’ looks like a clown, cuz every shitty kids party is more fun with a shitty clown…

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Katy Perry’s Shitty Ass in a Shitty Outfit of the Day