Tag Archives: tweeted-last

Was SZA Serious? Songstress “Quits” TDE Via Twitter

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“I actually quit,” SZA tweeted last night, adding that Top Dawg Entertainment co-president Terrence “Punch” Henderson “can release my album if he ever feels like it.” The tweet seems to stem from frustration with the fact that her debut studio album, A, originally scheduled to be released “while everyone is still in their bathing suit,” has yet to see […]

Was SZA Serious? Songstress “Quits” TDE Via Twitter

Hilary Duff weight loss

Hilary Duff, 25, tweeted last Thursday that after grueling hours at the gym and dieting, she has reached her ideal weight again and can git back into a size 26 (U.S. size 2). The former Disney star tweeted the announcement along with a pair of size 26 Rag Bone jeans on Thursday. “Yaaaa b–ches! Gabe Johns you#39;re kickin my ass and its paying off! Skinny jeans! lets go!” she wrote. Follow @IBTimes Duff had been training with Johns, a personal trainer and boxing instructor in Los Angeles, fo

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Hilary Duff weight loss

Amber Rose Gets Twitter Love From Wiz And Reveals Why She Loves Being Called His “Babymama”

Amber Rose Says She Loves Being Called Wiz Khalifa’s Babymama Most women who have children or are currently toting around gut fulls of their boo-thangs hate to be referred to as just the babymama……but not Amber Rose. The big bellied mommy-banger-to-be says she actually loves when the future father of her lil Taylor Gang tot refers to her as his babymama. And there doesn’t seem to be any love lost on Wiz’s end either, as he took to his twitter with these love-dovey messages in response to Amber’s black from blonde beach photo she tweeted last week: Awww, how  hood cute. Hit the flip to hear why Ambeezy says she loves when Wiz bud Sr. calls her his babymama…

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Amber Rose Gets Twitter Love From Wiz And Reveals Why She Loves Being Called His “Babymama”