Tag Archives: actually-sings

Carmen Electra’s Act of Desperation of the Day

Last year, when I heard that Carmen Electra was hosting a local night club for 2,000 dollars, I thought she had hit rock bottome. It turned out that I was wrong. Because in that year, she’s decided to come up with some stage show, despite being 40, where she actually sings and dances like some kind of poptart, despite being 40, and the whole thing, despite her still having a hot enough body, and rockin’ fake tits, is a horrible fucking joke. She played some McDonald’s sponsored event and I can’t find video of it, because I assume it was that bad, and everyone was too busy laughing. At least she looks classy – more 40 year old women need to dress and act like this. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Carmen Electra’s Act of Desperation of the Day