Tag Archives: still-having

Jennifer Lopez Hard Nipples of the Day

You know, as well as I know that Jennifer Lopez took 45 pictures of this post, that she may have even iced her mom nipples while taking this slutty selfie like she’s some kind of instagrammer who isn’t in her 50s, trying to give the fans some exciting J.Lo content, proving she’s still got it, because I guess this is still having it, now with more tits than when she was a tyrant starting out, thanks to whatever work she’s had done, diet and exercise and her kids sucking the fuck out of her nipples so use that to your advantage.. It’s easy to hate J.Lo, but harder to hate on her for posting Gym Selfies, it’s what all the attention seekers do, and even at an old age with a pile of money her ego won’t let her take a break…she’s so thirsty and hungry for more people saying she’s hot…and you have to wonder what went wrong in her childhood that with all she’s done and made scamming, that she’s still wants more….never satisfied….even in her old as fuck age…and I guess that keeps her whorin’. The post Jennifer Lopez Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Lopez Hard Nipples of the Day

Bey And Blue Flick It Up For The ‘Gram In Matching Dresses

https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSx-sfgAjf/?taken-by=beyonce Beyonce Shares New Photos For Mother’s Day Beyonce is still baby bumpin’ for the foreseeable future . While she’s in her motherly state, she’s still having fun with fashion …and getting her daughter Blue in on the action. Bey’s shared some new pics of her and daughter Blue matching in floral dresses… https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSyZpUgiS7/?taken-by=beyonce The photos come from the Carter family Mother’s Day celebration , where the family hit up The Museum of Ice Cream https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSxmStglN0/?taken-by=beyonce Hit the flip for more… Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSyjrWA3zq/?taken-by=beyonce https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSymlGgppl/?taken-by=beyonce https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSyuEegbxs/?taken-by=beyonce https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSyFn8Apsu/?taken-by=beyonce

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Bey And Blue Flick It Up For The ‘Gram In Matching Dresses

Bella Thorne In A Thong In A Hot Tub

Just in case any of you skeptics out there still aren’t convinced that Bella Thorne is the hottest thing to ever hit Snapchat , here’s Bella’s latest Snap: her in a hot tub. In a thong. Yeah. I’m just going to let that speak for itself. Mostly because I’m still having trouble forming complete sentences at the moment. Just, wow. Continue reading

Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day

I have seen so many MEMES on the internet this week about “J.Lo at 46 / Me at 26″….in reference to J.Lo still having what it takes, being hot, giving boners, etc… I assume that J.LO, along with her ass implants and breast implants, and botox, which is now part of her, is the one who put those out there.. Because all I see, is an old lady that sure, I’d fuck her, but she’s still an old lady…no matter how tight her SPANX outfit is, or how good it makes her ass look…she’s still fucking old… But keep on pretending she looks young…you fucking idiots… Here she is for some magazine..in tight clothing…as she does…because it keeps things in place… The post Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day

AEG Live Slams Katherine Jackson’s Request For New Wrongful Death Trial

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The death of Michael Jackson is still having a negative effect on the people who were involved with him both professionally and personally. After a…

AEG Live Slams Katherine Jackson’s Request For New Wrongful Death Trial

Carmen Electra’s Act of Desperation of the Day

Last year, when I heard that Carmen Electra was hosting a local night club for 2,000 dollars, I thought she had hit rock bottome. It turned out that I was wrong. Because in that year, she’s decided to come up with some stage show, despite being 40, where she actually sings and dances like some kind of poptart, despite being 40, and the whole thing, despite her still having a hot enough body, and rockin’ fake tits, is a horrible fucking joke. She played some McDonald’s sponsored event and I can’t find video of it, because I assume it was that bad, and everyone was too busy laughing. At least she looks classy – more 40 year old women need to dress and act like this. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Carmen Electra’s Act of Desperation of the Day

Kaley Cuoco Is Wonder Woman

I don’t really know what all this is about, but it’s a Twitter picture of Kaley Cuoco dressed as Wonder Woman eating a piece of cake or something. Good enough. I know that when I eat cake, I prefer to do it dressed as one of my favorite superheroes. Who doesn’t? Anyhow, she looks like she’s still having a few issues with her two-faceness, she just doesn’t photograph well, but at least the Wonder Woman body looks good.

Kaley Cuoco Is Wonder Woman

I don’t really know what all this is about, but it’s a Twitter picture of Kaley Cuoco dressed as Wonder Woman eating a piece of cake or something. Good enough. I know that when I eat cake, I prefer to do it dressed as one of my favorite superheroes. Who doesn’t? Anyhow, she looks like she’s still having a few issues with her two-faceness, she just doesn’t photograph well, but at least the Wonder Woman body looks good.

CNN: Rob admits he’s always late


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A snippet of Rob’s interview with CNN at :52. He talks about always being late. Youtube is still having some issues with embed codes, so I’ve added both players: Youtube and CNN. Thanks to alexandra1116 🙂 Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Robert Pattinson Life Discovery Date : 09/04/2011 12:51 Number of articles : 2

CNN: Rob admits he’s always late

CNN: Rob admits he’s always late


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A snippet of Rob’s interview with CNN at :52. He talks about always being late. Youtube is still having some issues with embed codes, so I’ve added both players: Youtube and CNN. Thanks to alexandra1116 🙂 Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Robert Pattinson Life Discovery Date : 09/04/2011 12:51 Number of articles : 2

CNN: Rob admits he’s always late