Tag Archives: dressed-as-one

Julia Jones Unknown Bikini Pictures

I didn’t know who this Julia Jones chick was when I got these shots, so I actually looked her up, but when I found out she was dating that loser from How I Met Your Mother I couldn’t take any more. You would think that when you’re on a hit sitcom you’d be able to get a better looking chick than this? Ok fine, you’re not Neil Patrick Harris, that guy probably gets a ton of chicks, but come on. It’s not like she’s a disgusting chick, she’s got a great bikini body on her… Actually, she should ditch the douchebag, she can do better than that moron. I’m up for a swim.

Micaela Schaefer: Hottest Referee Ever

Yesterday I had a really “smart” looking chick on the site showing off her massive “support” for the German team competing at Euro 2012 , so I thought I’d keep things going with another nobody who seeks out attention by posing randomly half naked every chance she gets. Here’s that Micaela Schaefer hottie dressed as one of the hottest referees I’ve ever seen. I would do things to this ref… Things that deserve a red card.

Rihanna Drops Some Sweet Sideboob

I’ve posted a lot of pictures of Rihanna walking to and from various automobiles, but nothing as exciting as these. Normally it’s your standard boring walk, not this time, this time she thought it would be a good idea to cool herself down in a pretty revealing dress. I don’t think anyone is complaining, whatever cools her down. If she wants to take it all off I’m fine with that too. Anyhow, the more sideboob the better is my motto. Enjoy.

Kaley Cuoco Is Wonder Woman

I don’t really know what all this is about, but it’s a Twitter picture of Kaley Cuoco dressed as Wonder Woman eating a piece of cake or something. Good enough. I know that when I eat cake, I prefer to do it dressed as one of my favorite superheroes. Who doesn’t? Anyhow, she looks like she’s still having a few issues with her two-faceness, she just doesn’t photograph well, but at least the Wonder Woman body looks good.

Kaley Cuoco Is Wonder Woman

I don’t really know what all this is about, but it’s a Twitter picture of Kaley Cuoco dressed as Wonder Woman eating a piece of cake or something. Good enough. I know that when I eat cake, I prefer to do it dressed as one of my favorite superheroes. Who doesn’t? Anyhow, she looks like she’s still having a few issues with her two-faceness, she just doesn’t photograph well, but at least the Wonder Woman body looks good.

Geri Halliwell Is A Naughty Old Schoolgirl

I happen to like an older chick in age inappropriate outfits, so these pictures of Spice Lady Geri Halliwell in her sexy schoolgirl costume are right up my alley. Not that I’m a pervert or anything, but cougars dressed as teenagers? Come on! How could anyone not want to take a peek at that freak show? It’s not really that bad, she’s dressed as one of those good schoolgirls who wear tights and don’t hike up their skirt the second she walks off school property. I hated those girls. Although, I bet Geri puts out. Call me.