Tag Archives: halliwell-bikini

More Rihanna Complex Raunchiness

For all you Rihanna fans, we’ve got more photos and a video from Complex Magazine’s latest issue . Once again, Rihanna doesn’t disappoint. After viewing these shots, I can confirm that she’s definitely someone girls should look up to and aspire to be like.

Geri Halliwell Sings In Her Bra

I have absolutely no idea why Geri Halliwell tweeted this picture of herself in her bra at the recording studio, but over the years, I’ve learned not to question things like this. It’s better to just sit back and enjoy it. Besides, I know what’s it like to have a job you can do in your underwear. It really helps the creative process, something the people at the Starbucks near my house clearly don’t understand as well as Geri. Related Articles: Geri Halliwell Drops Some Decent Old Cleavage Even More Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures More Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures

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Geri Halliwell Sings In Her Bra

Gillian Anderson Busts Out And Gets Our Attention

I know she’s starting to get up there, but I’m loving what Gillian Anderson ‘s been bringing lately . And here she is at a Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year event, pulling a move right out of the Elizabeth Hurley playbook: show off enough cleavage and no one will care how old you are. Works every time. You see, this is exactly the sort of wisdom that only comes with experience. I wonder what other tricks she knows… » view all 12 photos Related Articles: Geri Halliwell Drops Some Decent Old Cleavage Gillian Anderson Has Still Got It More Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures Photos: FameFlynet

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Gillian Anderson Busts Out And Gets Our Attention

Kat Graham Assumes Position

Here’s Kat Graham getting into position, and I guess this is why yoga is so popular. I just have one question though: do you have to dress like a hippie in order to do it? Is that part mandatory? Because if Kat was wearing, say, a bikini in these pictures, I’d be on the next plane to LA to sign up for a class. Just saying. » view all 13 photos Related Articles: Kat Graham’s Ridiculous Bikini Kat Graham Is A Sexy Hooker Sophie Turner’s Behind Does Some Shopping Sophie Turner’s Curves Are Awesome Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Kat Graham Assumes Position

Gillian Anderson Has Still Got It

Man, who knew Gillian Anderson still looked this good? This is exactly the type of weird stuff that she used to investigate on The X-Files . So if you’ll excuse me, I need to study these pictures for a bit. There’s got to be an explanation in here somewhere. I’ll start by looking in between these orange lines . Hmm, this could take a while. Related Articles: Geri Halliwell Drops Some Decent Old Cleavage Even More Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures More Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures Geri Halliwell Bikini Pictures Photos: FameFlynet

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Gillian Anderson Has Still Got It

Geri Halliwell Goes Old School Hotness

It looks like Spice Lady Geri Halliwell has decided to turn back the clock with a little old school hotness. Here she is posing in her, I guess you can call it iconic, union jack dress she made famous as part of one of the world’s most annoying girl bands. This brings back some good memories. I think that she actually looks better now, her face is much better, she seems more confident and her body is pretty damn tight for a woman her age. Maybe I’ll slip into my plaid shirt and grunge jeans, or whatever the hell I was wearing back in the early nineties, and the two of us can hit the sack. Call me.

Geri Halliwell’s Spice Lady Hotness

I’m not sure when I’m supposed to stop posting pictures of former Spice Girl Geri Halliewell , I mean she’s getting up their in age, sooner or later her looks have got to go right? Isn’t that how it works with women? Anyhow, here she is looking pretty sexy in her short skirt and high boots at a George Michael concert last night. Random. I still think she’s getting better and better looking with age. She must some sort of special anti-aging face cream…. I’ll let you make up your own silly jokes.

Gabriella Wilde’s Skinny Hotness

Here’s pretty much all you need to know about this Gabrielle Wilde chick, she’s an actress in the upcoming Three Musketeers movie and she’s damn hot. That’s pretty much all I could find out about her. I didn’t even know they were making another Three Musketeers movie, so this is all news to me. Anyhow, here she is at the premiere showing off her long, lean sexiness. I like her already. I used to call my testicles The Three Musketeers until I had the extra one removed. I miss that little guy. more pictures of Gabriella Wilde here

Rihanna Shows Off Her Tasty Thighs

Here’s Rihanna showing off her sexy legs the other day while in South America somewhere. At least I think she’s in South America, she’s on tour down there or something, I saw some

Rihanna Shows Off Her Tasty Thighs

Geri Halliwell Drops Some Awesome Cleavage

I don’t know what these pictures of Geri Halliwell are from, I’m not an investigative reporter or anything, but she looks like she’s wearing a wedding dress. Not that it matters, if she’s going to be showing off this much cleavage, she could be wearing her high-school prom dress. Actually, I’d like to see her in her prom dress, it would probably be all tight and 80′s looking. Hot. I really like Geri now, she just keeps getting better with age. She’s tanned, in shape and ready to show off the goods. Keep it up.