Tag Archives: schaefer

Micaela Schaefer Is Into Lesbo Stuff Now

I haven’t done a post on Micaela Schaefer in ages. I think she is doing adult movies or something. I checkedher Instagram bio, clicked on the link and found her nibbling on another woman’s nipple. So if you can read German, check it out and let me know how it is. I’m too cheap to pay for the clips. » view all 12 photos          

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Micaela Schaefer Is Into Lesbo Stuff Now

Micaela Schaefer And Her Sex Toys

I know it’s been a little while since I’ve done a new post on  Micaela Schaefer , so I figured we’d check back in with the world’s best-dressed hot nobody to see what she’s up to these days. And judging from these pictures, looks like she’s gone from posing naked in public to becoming an official spokesmodel for sex toys. I’m glad to see Micaela’s finally found her true calling.

Originally posted here:
Micaela Schaefer And Her Sex Toys

Micaela Schaefer Does Baywatch Good!

I know it’s been a while since we’ve gotten any new updates from the world’s best-dressed hot nobody, so here’s  Micaela Schaefer doing an unofficially licensed, Baywatch -themed photoshoot to promote some new “club tour” of hers. I tried to look up if she was doing any shows near me, but according to her manager, Micaela doesn’t play “perverts’ mom’s basements.” Which is a pretty dumb business decision, if you ask me. I bet that’s 99% of her fan base.

Excerpt from:
Micaela Schaefer Does Baywatch Good!

Micaela Schaefer Does Baywatch Good!

I know it’s been a while since we’ve gotten any new updates from the world’s best-dressed hot nobody, so here’s  Micaela Schaefer doing an unofficially licensed, Baywatch -themed photoshoot to promote some new “club tour” of hers. I tried to look up if she was doing any shows near me, but according to her manager, Micaela doesn’t play “perverts’ mom’s basements.” Which is a pretty dumb business decision, if you ask me. I bet that’s 99% of her fan base.

See the article here:
Micaela Schaefer Does Baywatch Good!

Micaela Schaefer Is Still The Best Dressed Nobody

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve done any new posts on  Micaela Schaefer , so I figured I’d creep research her Instagram to see what the German hottie’s been up to lately. And I’m happy to report that Micaela is definitely still living up to her title as the world’s best-dressed nobody. In fact, my future ex-wife even modeled the perfect outfit for our wedding. Enjoy.

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Micaela Schaefer Is Still The Best Dressed Nobody

Micaela Schaefer’s Sweet Lesbo Show

Here’s my all-time favorite best-dressed hottie  Micaela Schaefer celebrating the Euro Cup the only way she knows how: by making out with some other hot nobody for the cameras at a party in Germany. Now personally, I think Micaela’s a little overdressed for the occasion, but otherwise, it’s enough to make me wish they held the Euro Cup a lot more frequently than once every four years. Enjoy. Photos: WENN.com

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Micaela Schaefer’s Sweet Lesbo Show

Micaela Schaefer Forgot Halloween Is In October

OK, so usually I like it when the world’s best-dressed hot nobody Micaela Schaefer shows up in nothing but body paint and a thong to “celebrate” whatever random holiday is coming up next on the calendar. But I’m sorry, all these extra painted-on eyes are seriously freaking me out. Are we sure Micaela knows it’s Valentine’s Day this Sunday, and not Halloween? Oh well. At least on the plus side, I’m sure this makes it a whole lot easier to look Micaela in the eyes when she’s talking to you… » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

15 Years Of French Prankster Remi Gaillard

Most of these internet pranks you see on YouTube these days are fake! Remi Gaillard has been doing it for 15 years and in my opinion is the real deal! Continue reading

Micaela Schaefer Goes Hairless For Halloween

Normally, I’m a big fan of Micaela Schaefer ‘s holiday “outfits” , but I’m not so sure about this latest one. And no, I don’t mean because of the bald cap — I’m sure that’s doing the trick for at least some of you perverts out there. I mean the fact that she’s wearing entirely too much body paint for this skeleton costume. What happened to a couple tiny pumpkin pasties and calling it a day? Or better yet, nothing but a pair of those black, censored bars. Now that’d be really scary. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Micaela Schaefer Is The Greatest Spokesmodel Ever

Here’s the best-dressed hot nobody of all-time  Micaela Schaefer  at another one of her awesome promotional events in Germany somewhere. Now, as per usual, I have absolutely no clue what Micaela is promoting with this outfit, all I know is, I suddenly have an overwhelming desire to take out my wallet and ask how much. Enjoy. Photos: WENN.com

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Micaela Schaefer Is The Greatest Spokesmodel Ever