Tag Archives: adding-vocals

Message To Karrueche? Breezy Remixes Beyonce’s Track ‘Jealous,’ Posts “Lonely” Instagram Photo

Chris Brown Adds New Verse To Beyonce’s “Jealous” Chris Brown is working through his issues in the studio. A random leak of Chris adding vocals for an unofFicial remix to Beyonce’s track “Jealous” hit the internet today, and it sounds a lot like Breezy is trying to send a special message to his recently lost love: Take a listen: Hmm…these lyrics sound mighty personal: Queen Bey I’m trippin’ ‘Cause I’m a little insecure when your phone go off ‘Cause they be callin’ at three in the mornin’ Know I’d do the same shit, but girl it’s different Could he be rehashing a couple of the double standards he enforced on Karrueche during their six-year relationship? Of course, Chris responded to the leak…before rambling on about something else entirely. Hit the flip for his sad message about being lonely with nobody to hug it out with…

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Message To Karrueche? Breezy Remixes Beyonce’s Track ‘Jealous,’ Posts “Lonely” Instagram Photo