Tag Archives: adobe-flash

Flash (Frash) on the iPad

A quick demo of Flash (Frash) running on an iPad. By engadget Tags : adobe , adobe flash , apple , apple ipad , cydia , flash , frash , hack , ipad , jailbreak

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Flash (Frash) on the iPad

Adobe Response to Apple’s “Flash Dispute”

I mentioned before that one of Apple’s weaknesses (although they stubbornly point this out as a strength) is that they don’t accept flash in their iPod touch, iPhone or even the much coveted iPad. Steve Jobs made a little something something about why he chose not to allow Flash to work on Apple Hardware. Now, we have Adobe’s Response to Apple or Adobe’s Response to Steve Jobs for that matter. Adobe co-founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock have just recently responded. This is through an open letter on the company’s website and full-page ads in several newspapers, including the  Los Angeles Times and  Washington Post . “We believe that Apple … has taken a step that could undermine this next chapter of the web — the chapter in which mobile devices outnumber computers, any individual can be a publisher, and content is accessed anywhere and at any time,” the co-founders wrote. Jobs mentioned last month that Adobe Flash was a closed system, and that he preferred newer, open Web standards like HTML5. The Adobe co-founders made a counter statement that Flash is open, and that no one company should determine the future of the Web. “In the end, we believe the question is really this: Who controls the World Wide Web? And we believe the answer is: nobody — and everybody, but certainly not a single company,” reads the letter from Adobe. Adobe Response to Apple’s “Flash Dispute” is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Joslyn James Striptease Tour Follows Tiger to N.C.

Tiger Woods is hitting the links this weekend, and wouldn’t you know it, his ol’ mistress Joslyn James is going to be naked in the same city! What are the odds! The stripper / porn star is appearing at the Uptown Cabaret in Charlotte, N.C., tonight and tomorrow while Tiges competes at the Quail Hollow Championship. Joslyn James , who linked a violent, dirty string of Tiger Woods text messages last month, also stripped at a Georgia club near where Tiger played the Masters. Here’s a promotional advertisement for the class act’s visit to N.C.: HER FAVORITE WOOD : Good one, Jos! The stuffed tiger is a cute touch, as is the “wood” play on words. Although presenting his texts on an Adobe Flash “iBone” on her website was way better. Interestingly, Joslyn says that Tiger’s BFF and part-time pimp, Bryon Bell , arranged for her to rendezvous with Tiger during this exact same event in 2007. He won it that year. Heck, with a Tiger and Elin Woods divorce reportedly imminent, maybe he should arrange a quickie tonight for good luck … mofo’s currently tied for 61st.

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Joslyn James Striptease Tour Follows Tiger to N.C.

We Still Love H.E.R. – *RIP* Biggie Smalls « Real Hip Hop Since 79

*RIP* Biggie Smalls . Posted by martymarr. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. …

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We Still Love H.E.R. – *RIP* Biggie Smalls « Real Hip Hop Since 79