Tag Archives: advocate-died

Elizabeth Edwards dies

Elizabeth Edwards has died of cancer, NBC News has confirmed. She was 61. Gravely ill with cancer that no longer responded to treatment, Elizabeth Edwards was reportedly not in any pain and was surrounded by family and friends, including her estranged husband John Edwards, at home in North Carolina. Her death came at 10:15 Tuesday morning at her home with loved ones around her, according to a family friend. The scene was described as “very peaceful.” The friend said, “Elizabeth did not want people to say she lost her battle with cancer. The battle was about living a good life and that she won.” Family friends provided to NBC News this statement from the Edwards Family. “Elizabeth Anania Edwards, mother, author, advocate died today at her home in Chapel Hill, surrounded by her family. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/40537053/ns/today-today_people/?GT1=43001 added by: littlwarrior