Tag Archives: affleck-right

Natalie Portman for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

I once wrote, but you didn’t ready, that I always laugh when I see Natalie Portman, only because she’s got so many gold stars of David next to her brandname… The first being Jewish. Jewish guys fucking love hot Jewish girls, it gives them hope that they too will find a hot one amongst the inbred troll looking ones…since there are only so many Jewish girls around…and as we know…any culture has a limited amount of hot girls and the hot girl to troll girl ratio is never favorable….When you’re not forced to marry a Jewish girl to make your family happy, you have more options…so the hot Jewish girl’s stock is valuable..she’s in high demand… That is why even the fattest most disgusting Jewish girl is a daddy’s girl with a bad attitude, because she knows she’ll be fine…married and mom…to a rich guy…. The second gold star of David is that she’s also done Star Wars…which is just a WTF..set for life…fanbase forever situation… Here she is in Harper’s Bazaar… The post Natalie Portman for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Natalie Portman for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

The Tits from the Blurred Lines Video in a Bikini of the Day

I would say that Emily Ratajkowski has figured out that the more bikini pics she posts to social media…the more likes she’ll get…the more relevant she’ll remain… But as a girl who’s career is based on her getting naked in a music video, I’m pretty sure she’s realized that one…and that the last year has been her trying to figure out how to distance herself from being the naked big tits…like Kim K does with her sex tape…only with less public penetration…Emily Ratajkowski is a lady and only does that behind closed doors and her boyfriend’s back for jobs…I mean he was (rumored to be) Ben Affleck..right…that warrants a “Hall Pass”… As you fade into obscurity…you gotta bring back what works..and it works..because she’s got a great fucking body…that you don’t deserve to be looking at…but she’s getting paid thanks to you to looking at it…so I guess you do… All this to say…I still like looking at her….pics….she looks good….and that’s enough for me in this empty life I live… The post The Tits from the Blurred Lines Video in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Tits from the Blurred Lines Video in a Bikini of the Day