Tag Archives: after-elective

Graeme McDowell — The New Tiger

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Tiger Woods Tiger Woods will be replaced at the Chevron World Challenge — Tiger’s tourney — by the 55th best golfer in the world.Graeme McDowell has been around the block in golf. The Northern Ireland golfer most recently tied for 10th in the PGA Championship ..

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Graeme McDowell — The New Tiger

Brangelina — U Can’t Touch This

Filed under: Brad & Angelina They’ve been around world … from London to The Bay … but last night, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had a date night at La Dolce Vita restaurant in Beverly Hills

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Brangelina — U Can’t Touch This

Gloria’s Tiger Summit

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Tiger Woods Gloria Allred and Rachel Uchitel had a long meeting yesterday about the story that surfaced in the National Enquirer — linking Rachel to Tiger Woods.We know Rachel is all fired up, claiming the two women who made the claim lied outright.We’re … Permalink

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Gloria’s Tiger Summit

Ex-Miss Argentina Dies After Butt-Implant Surgery

Filed under: R.I.P.

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Ex-Miss Argentina Dies After Butt-Implant Surgery