Tag Archives: after-marriage

Till Death Do Us Part: Newlywed Wife Pushes Her Husband Off Of A Cliff During Argument One Week After Their Marriage

Jesus take the wedding ring… Woman Pushes Her Husband Off Of A Cliff One Week After Marriage A deranged newlywed woman could now face life in prison after she admitted to pushing her husband of one week to his death off of a cliff during a heated argument about their marriage. via Fox News A newlywed wife was charged on Monday with second-degree murder for allegedly pushing her husband off a cliff in Glacier National Park during an argument just a week after they married. Jordan Linn Graham, 22, could face life in prison if convicted in the death of 25-year-old Cody Lee Johnson. Charging documents suggest Graham was having second thoughts about getting married around the time her husband’s body was discovered. Graham has told an FBI agent that she and her husband had been arguing on July 7 as they walked in the Loop Trail area of the park. At one point, she turned to walk away, but Johnson grabbed her arm, she said. She turned around, removed his hand from her arm and “due to her anger, she pushed Johnson with both hands in the back, and as a result, he fell face first off the cliff,” an affidavit states. Johnson was reported missing on July 8 when he failed to show up for work. Graham later reported that she had spotted his body. More details surrounding this case suggest that the woman had long expressed her marriage regrets and told family and friends that she “just wanted a wedding,” but didn’t really want to be married. This bish belongs in a looney bin….SMH. Continue reading

Alessandra Ambrosio does Pilates of the Day

As a fat man who doesn’t like doing much more than sitting. Who considers the increased heart rate from a bad hangover to be working out. Who gets out of breath in what must be an asthma attack, or just an fat attack when walking to the bathroom from the comfort of my seated position….I like to see bitches training, cuz bitches have a responsiblity to upkeep their sex appeal while dudes have a responsiblily to make a lot of money to fuck those bitches, while I have a responsibility to post the shit, cuz unfortuantely that’s not how it always works out and some of us dudes are broke and some of us dudes have fat pig wives who aren’t what we thought they’d be after marriage, who collectively got together with their girlfriends and said “after the first baby, we eat and fucking eat til we can’t eat anymore, cuz all these years we’ve deprived ourselves”….so it’s nice to fantasies about the ones who kept their end of the deal….whether a multi-million dollar modeling contract was involved in motivation her or not is irrelevant… Send these pictures to your wife saying – “Look at these pictures, why isn’t this you, oh right, cuz she’s not eating a chocolate cake, and is actually working out, you fat pig, who lied to me…you fraud bitch….” It is Valentines Day after all….

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Alessandra Ambrosio does Pilates of the Day