Tag Archives: after-pics

Chris Stoyanov Before and After Pics

Surgeons stretched Chris Stoyanov#39;s scalp using an inflated balloon beneath the skin (left). The groundbreaking procedure allowed doctors to cover a patch of baldness left following surgery to remove a tumour. Today, the 30-year-old has a full head of hair after the successful procedure (right). A man#39;s scalp was stretched to the size of a grapefruit using an inflated balloon to cover a bald patch left when surgeons removed a tumour and 23cm of skin. Doctors used the extraordinary method

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Chris Stoyanov Before and After Pics

Tanith Carey Before and After Pics

Tanith Carey said she was beginning to show the signs of ageing, left. She noticed a difference after eight weeks of boosting her collagen, right. There are numerous weapons in a woman#39;s battle against ageing. But if any were to deserve the title #39;elixir of youth#39;, it#39;s collagen. This precious protein is the basic building block of the skin, forming mesh-like bonds to hold it firm and stop it sagging. When we are young, skin is made up of 80 per cent collagen. After the age of 25,

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Tanith Carey Before and After Pics

Canon PowerShot SX260 HS 12.1 MP CMOS Digital Camera review

I am an experienced amateur photographer and I#39;ve owned many cameras over the past 40 years. I#39;ve had some photos published but photography has always been strictly a hobby, though a serious one. I shoot with a Canon 7D, Rebel backup, various #39;L#39; lenses, and I also use an Olympus E-P1 occasionally as well as a Canon S90 and Powershot 1100S (kept in my glovebox for #39;emergencies#39;). I enjoy taking pictures. I also enjoy traveling and have traveled around the states as well as vis

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Canon PowerShot SX260 HS 12.1 MP CMOS Digital Camera review

The Kardashians And The Kids

Awww, well, isn’t this nice and staged! Kim and Khloe Kardashian and Reggie Bush were in Africa and took some time out of their busy schedules to pose for some publicity with some kids at a feeding facility where we’re sure the Kardashians worked only as long as someone was taking a picture. Did they find any babies to purchase

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The Kardashians And The Kids

Kim Kardashian Bikini + Trampoline

Kim Kardashian wants you to know that  “Quick Trim Cleanser” works! Kim posted a series of pictures on her personal blog to display how well the product works. “I wanted to show you guys some before and after pics so you can see the difference that working out, eating healthily and using Quick Trim has made,”

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Kim Kardashian Bikini + Trampoline