Tag Archives: after-prowling

Jason Peyton, Jennifer Aniston Stalker, Captured

NOTE: For once, this Jennifer Aniston news is actually true – and scary. The actress has been granted a restraining order against Jason Peyton, a man arrested after prowling around her Hollywood Hills house last week. He had a sharp object and duct tape with him at the time … yikes. Peyton was found on July 15, “laying-in-wait in a location he believes she frequents.” Aniston’s lawyer says he spent eight days trying to find her. “Peyton is an obsessed, mentally ill, delusional stalker – with a history of violence and criminal stalking – who drove cross-country in his delusional ‘mission’ to locate and marry [Jen], with whom he believes he is in a relationship,” court documents say. Unlike most Jennifer Aniston gossip we pass along to readers, breaking news of her alleged stalker’s arrest is no laughing matter. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] The stalker was placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold and must stay 100 yards away from her home, places of work, vehicles, employees and reps. Peyton, who has been institutionalized before, has been ordered to take antipsychotic drugs but authorities say he stopped taking them in March. He believes he’s related to Oprah, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, Courteney Cox, Bill and Melinda Gates, President George Bush (both) and Donald Trump. LAPD’s Threat Management Unit is involved in the case. Sounds serious. Here’s hoping Jen finds comfort in the arms of new boyfriend Chris Gartin , or in the fact that she’s going to be a mom ! Again!

The rest is here:
Jason Peyton, Jennifer Aniston Stalker, Captured

Lindsay Lohan — Fine Dining Behind Bars

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice It may not be Katsuya, but Lindsay Lohan has a delicious dinner in store on her first night in jail. Our jailhouse mole tells TMZ Turkey Tetrazzini is on the menu tonight.

Jennifer Aniston Allegedly Victim of Dangerous Stalker

Filed under: Jennifer Aniston , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned … Jennifer Aniston just got a restraining order against a man who was arrested after prowling around her Hollywood Hills house last week — a man who had a sharp object, duct tape and is considered violent. According to the docs, Jason… Read more

Originally posted here:
Jennifer Aniston Allegedly Victim of Dangerous Stalker