Tag Archives: after-tanking

WATCH: Lana Del Rey’s ‘Hunger Games’

Lana Del Rey’s 15 minutes may be nearing their end (she did just postpone her tour after tanking on SNL ), but she’s got one last charge towards relevance up her sleeve; just check out her new jam inspired by The Hunger Games called, simply, “Hunger Games.” So Lana. So Katniss. “This District smells like rat piss/My name is Katniss/I play the Hunger Gaaaaames…” Okay, so it’s not technically Lana Del Rey. But isn’t Lana Del Rey herself more of an idea, really? One made of pouty lips and moody sunsets and Veronica Lake hair that belongs to us all? Well anyway, Second City’s Holly Laurent does an uncanny job smashing together these two zeitgeisty entities into one weirdly perfect package that boils down both the neophyte songstress and Suzanne Collins’ bestselling YA phenomenon to their essences. [Thanks to @earnestp for the heads up]

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WATCH: Lana Del Rey’s ‘Hunger Games’