Nicole Polizzi, a.k.a. Snooki from Jersey Shore, has found an unlikely ally in U.S. Sen. John McCain. Ally for what? Nothing really. But he’s on Team Snooki! In a radio interview yesterday, the former GOP Presidential candidate offered his opinion on the July 30 disorderly conduct arrest of the MTV reality star. “I kind of think she might be too good looking to go to jail,” said McCain , seeking reelection to the Senate this year at the age of 73, on Phoenix’s KMLE. Snooki, who spent a few hours behind bars for being drunk in broad daylight before posting bail, agrees. Monday, she told MTV succinctly, and humbly: “I’m too pretty to be in jail… I’m not a criminal.” Start printing the McCain/Snooki 2012 presidential campaign signs now. She may actually be an intellectual step up from his previous choice of running mate . Amazingly, this isn’t the first McCain shout-out to the pint-sized party girl. After the Oompa Loompa lodged a complaint about proposed taxes on tanning beds in the Jersey Shore premiere, the veteran politician Tweeted in kind. McCain, or an intern who watches Jersey Shore and worked in a quality play on words, Tweeted at Ms. Polizzi: “@Sn00ki ur right, I would never tax ur tanning bed! O’s tax policy is quite The Situation. but I do rec wearing sunscreen!” EDITOR’S NOTE : In referencing this line – one of our favorite Jersey Shore quotes of the new season – we chided Snooki on the grounds that the law doesn’t take effect for years. The law has, in fact, taken effect already. We regret the error! Snook bashed President Obama for his “tax on tanning.” Obama, too, referenced her in a recent interview, although somewhat less flatteringly. He claimed he didn’t know who Snooki was during his controversial appearance on The View .
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John McCain is on Team Snooki