Tag Archives: again-stirred

Madonna Posts Video of Son, Comments on His Penis

Madonna has once again stirred up some controversy – and it once again has to do with the singer's son, Rocco. In January of last year, Madonna published a photo of her 13-year old child partying it up with a bottle of liquor in hand. Then, a year later, Madonna dropped the N Word in reference to Rocco. This time around, Madonna shared an Instagram video of her offspring doing a backflip. With the teenager only wearing a small pair of orange briefs, many commenters focused on his “package” and how Rocco was “hung,” prompting Madonna to take down the footage. She then put it back up and added the caption “Rocco’s preferred profile #nosausage.” As far as Madonna scandals go, we agree: this one is pretty minimal. But still. It's a bit weird for a mother to acknowledge her son's “sausage,” no?

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Madonna Posts Video of Son, Comments on His Penis