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Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Mummy’s the Word

Snakes on a Plane met Agatha Christie on Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 . With the Doctor and Clara on the verge of a split, our hero and our heroine VWORPed their way aboard the show’s unusual talk of the most famous fictional train ever: the Orient Express. The wanted to remember the good time and enjoy one final trip before going their separate ways. Watch Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Online But the murders kept coming, and suddenly this pair was racing time to save both the day and also their own relationship. There wasn’t much of a pay-off to the conclusion of last’s week episode, which left Clara angry and distrusting of her companion. That was a bit irritating, as the series used a time-hop to easily place these two back together. However, as the hour went on, the Doctor’s practical mindset (and lack of subsequent emotion) seeped out little by little, helping Clara’s frustrations rise to the surface once again. It maybe would have been nice to see these two actually apart for a little while, though at least the Christie-inspired mystery made for an entertaining viewing. The mummy, for one thing, was a very cool addition to the series. Once you saw it, you only had 66 seconds to live. YIKES! What did everyone else think of this installment? Is Peter Capaldi growing on you as the title character? Do you wish we’d see more tension between Clara and the Doctor? Or even less of them as a united team for a change? Sound off in the Comments section if you saw the episode and go watch Doctor Who online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up.

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Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Mummy’s the Word