Tag Archives: though-at-least

Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Mummy’s the Word

Snakes on a Plane met Agatha Christie on Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 . With the Doctor and Clara on the verge of a split, our hero and our heroine VWORPed their way aboard the show’s unusual talk of the most famous fictional train ever: the Orient Express. The wanted to remember the good time and enjoy one final trip before going their separate ways. Watch Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Online But the murders kept coming, and suddenly this pair was racing time to save both the day and also their own relationship. There wasn’t much of a pay-off to the conclusion of last’s week episode, which left Clara angry and distrusting of her companion. That was a bit irritating, as the series used a time-hop to easily place these two back together. However, as the hour went on, the Doctor’s practical mindset (and lack of subsequent emotion) seeped out little by little, helping Clara’s frustrations rise to the surface once again. It maybe would have been nice to see these two actually apart for a little while, though at least the Christie-inspired mystery made for an entertaining viewing. The mummy, for one thing, was a very cool addition to the series. Once you saw it, you only had 66 seconds to live. YIKES! What did everyone else think of this installment? Is Peter Capaldi growing on you as the title character? Do you wish we’d see more tension between Clara and the Doctor? Or even less of them as a united team for a change? Sound off in the Comments section if you saw the episode and go watch Doctor Who online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up.

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Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Mummy’s the Word

Barbara Fialho Naked in GQ of the Day

She’s Brazilian…..She’s Naked in GQ….Because GQ is a porno magazine, they don’t want you to know it so advertisers just don’t realize it because their nudity is less about spread eagle vagina shots, but more “artistic”…implied…celebrating the woman form…even though at least one person is going to masturabte to these and that person is probably you…I mean you’re probably masturbating to it right now…and I am talking you through it…making these otherwise hetero pics of a hot Vicotira’s Secret model…pretty homo. Either way, Barbara Fialho…she’s good…but I prefer nipples with my nudity.….

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Barbara Fialho Naked in GQ of the Day

Elmo’s Master, Duplicate Earths: Sundance 2011 Competition Slates Announced

It’s Sundance time again, meaning it’s time to either wrinkle your nose with genre apprehension or dig in with a highlighter and get your ticket selections straight. Or maybe you’re trying to get an early bead on next year’s Precious or Winter’s Bone . You might be looking a while, to be honest — though at least Vera Farmiga’s directing debut is in there.

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Elmo’s Master, Duplicate Earths: Sundance 2011 Competition Slates Announced

Late Night Highlights: Jason Schwartzman(‘s Wife) is Pregnant and Pee-Wee Shills For Leno

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Week continued last night with stars Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera out in force. The former outlined his plan to embarrass the child he and his wife are expecting while the latter played charades with Jimmy Fallon. Elsewhere, Laura Linney dignified Jon Stewart’s career and Pee-Wee Herman accosted scary bikers for Jay Leno.

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Late Night Highlights: Jason Schwartzman(‘s Wife) is Pregnant and Pee-Wee Shills For Leno

How Much Will Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Make This Weekend, Anyway?

Unless watching nubile young co-eds get torn to shreds is your idea of a good time, this weekend marks the end of the summer from a box-office relevance standpoint. Though at least things will probably go out with a bang: It has been widely predicted that The Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love will each open to around $30 million in ticket sales, but what of the third major release hitting theaters on Friday, Universal’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World ? Good question! Ahead, Movieline handicaps its box-office bonafides.

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How Much Will Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Make This Weekend, Anyway?

Chris Brown on Garbage Duty…but When?

Chris Brown is more than willing to take out the trash—that is, as soon as someone assigns him the job.

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Chris Brown on Garbage Duty…but When?

Matt Damon Not Dead, Just Kicking Ass on Kimmel

They’re f–king (with) Matt Damon.

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Matt Damon Not Dead, Just Kicking Ass on Kimmel