Tag Archives: ahamadrashad

Aaron Schock in Minor Car Crash, Abs Unscathed

Filed under: Politix Congressman Aaron Schock lost control of his car after sliding over an ice patch in Illinois yesterday — and banged into another vehicle on the streets of Peoria. No one was injured in the accident, which Schock’s rep described as “minor.” We’re ..

Aaron Schock in Minor Car Crash, Abs Unscathed

Johnson Family to Raise Casey’s Daughter

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Casey Johnson Casey Johnson’s three-year-old daughter will be raised by Casey’s mother and sisters, family sources tell TMZ. Ava — whom Casey adopted two years ago — has been living with Casey’s mom, Sale, for the past few months. We’re told it’s the family …

Continued here:
Johnson Family to Raise Casey’s Daughter