Tag Archives: alain-resnais

Best Of: Phoebe Cates

Phoebe Cates will always hold a special place in Mr. Skin’s heart, bringing us the scene that essentially launched the entire Skinpire! From the iconic bikini-popping scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High to her sexy waterfall shower in Paradise , Phoebe is the original, and quite possibly the greatest, Mr. Skin Hall of Famer!

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Best Of: Phoebe Cates

Showdown in Little Tokyo & More: Celebrity Nudity on DVD & Blu-ray 7.21.15

It’s a super light week on home video, with two mid-80s flicks and a 90s skin classic all making their Blu-ray debuts today! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

Showdown in Little Tokyo & More: Celebrity Nudity on DVD & Blu-ray 7.21.15

REVIEW: Playful Alain Resnais Gets a Bit Lost in His Wild Grass

With the end of middle age within tippy-toe reach, Georges Palet (André Dussollier) has pulled into a kind of defensive crouch; he’s not going willingly, and open to distraction. Alternately resigned and bitterly combative, he is treated by his wife Suzanne (Anne Consigny) like a recently released mental patient, which might not be that far off: When we meet Georges he is being driven to thoughts of homicide by a passing woman’s visible panty line. But then the stream of consciousness can run pretty wild, and is subject to theoretical whims as brutal as they are benign. The roots of romantic feeling, as explored in Wild Grass , Alain Resnais’s jazzy ode to cinema and the love impulse in later life, are equally, spectacularly random.

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REVIEW: Playful Alain Resnais Gets a Bit Lost in His Wild Grass