Who ordered a double cheese and sausage? That would be Spicoli. Ok then, who ordered Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) on Blu-Ray? That would be Universal Studios Home Entertainment , which is finally bringing the Mr. Skin-approved comedy classic to Blu-Ray August 9th. Fast Times was released in the now-defunct HD DVD format back in early 2008, just before Blu-Ray won out in the Great HD Format Wars of the late 2000s. Now the Blu-Ray comes loaded (pun, as always, intended) with audio commentary from director Amy Heckerling and writer Cameron Crowe , the documentary “Reliving Our Fast Times at Ridgemont High” featuring the cast and crew reminiscing about their (s)experiences on set, and the featurette “The Music of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” The Blu-Ray edition hits stores, brick-and-mortar and online alike, August 9, and is available for pre-order on Amazon.com now. The breast part? You can’t wear out the tape rewinding Phoebe Cates ’ pool scene over and over and over and over…

See original here:
Righteous! Fast Times at Ridgemont High FINALLY Hits Blu-Ray August 9
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged cameron-crowe, celeb news, dedicated-nurse, dvd releases, heckerling, Hollywood, invalid, Music, phoebe cates, poster, the-now-defunct, thermometer