Tag Archives: alice cornish

Genevieve Morton Titties be Peddling of the Day

Look a suntan lotion paid Genevieve Morton to post a picture of her sloppy body and huge tits that distract from her average at best Miss Piggy face…up on some low grade Kate Upton hustle, hoping that at 29, her career will turn around enough to land an old as fuck dude with a lot of money, so that she doesn’t need to exploit herself, or really humiliate herself like this… I mean could her cash grab be any more obvious…posing with product placement, not even trying to be subtle… You know the brand probably paid her 10,000 dollars for this…maybe even more…totally undeserving, backwards and a reminder that our world is a very confused place….proven in the fact that this Slave Owning South African…has any fans…all because a magazine featured her in a bikini a few times…which is world changing talent…in the event you didn’t know…

Here is the original post:
Genevieve Morton Titties be Peddling of the Day

Shanina Shaik in Lingerie of the Day

Shanina Shaik is in paparazzi pics in a bikini in Ibiza or St Tropez or wherever the fuck all the rich A-Listers getting away from their vacation of a life happen to be living the life of luxury….because where there are rich A-Listers, there are Victoria’s Secret signed models in tow…it’s all part of their purpose. So She was seen on Bieber’s yacht, because a fame whore will fame whore wherever the fame whoring needs to be done…and now she’s in some lingerie campaign that is boring, uneventful and that she’s not even all that hot in…but I guess she’s hot enough for Beiber…but then again, I know some real busted down ratchets also good enough for Beiber, so it’s not saying much… All this to say, Lingerie pics…suck.

Originally posted here:
Shanina Shaik in Lingerie of the Day

Alice Cornish and Some Model Nudity for The Ground Magazine of the Day

Alice Cornish is some model from the UK. I’ve never heard of her, but she’s in some magazine showing her tits, which is pretty much the job description of model, now more than ever, because people like nudity and the world is one giant Playboy magazine, back when Playboy magazine didn’t feature low grade hookers with Playboy tattoos as their stars…you know when real girls you wanted to see naked got naked, only for you to say to yourself “not that great”…or “I expected more labia and less clit”…you know when all the hype leaves the room and it’s all kind of presented to you…it’s far less exciting. But this Alice Cornish girl is good…she looks like a real model with that long neck…which is more than I can say for any of these twats on instagram…

More here:
Alice Cornish and Some Model Nudity for The Ground Magazine of the Day