Tag Archives: aliceheather

JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.

BEFORE I START, THERE IS NO COPY RIGHT INTENDED!!! ALL CREDIT GOES TO JUSTIN BIEBER FOR THE MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO!!! so funny:’) filmed this before christmas for my sister Lottie, but due to stupid windows movie maker hadn’t been able to edit the video! i know it’s slightly out of sync in some places but never mind possibly more videos coming soon! go on give it a thumbs up, you know you want to?:P subscibe? comment? rate? wanna see me falling of a horse? – www.youtube.com xoxoxoxoxoxox AliceHeather1′s Links: weheartit.com snog.com twitter.com www.formspring.me http://www.youtube.com/v/fUOFPtM24aE?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Originally posted here: JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.

Continued here:
JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.