Tag Archives: edit-the-video

Britney Spears on "Work Bitch" Video: A Lot of Sex Goes Into What I Do!

Britney Spears’ “Work Bitch” music video is one wild ride. So much so that the 31-year-old mother of two herself admits she is a bit taken aback by it. Speaking to The TJ Show on Thursday, she told radio hosts TJ and Loren that she actually had director Ben Mor edit the video to make it less provocative. Yes, the Britney Spears “Work Bitch” music video could’ve been racier. Britney Spears – Work Bitch (Music Video) “Oh my god, we showed way more skin and did way more stuff for the video then what is actually there,” Spears reveals. “Like, I cut out half the video.” “Because I am a mother and because, you know, I have children, and it’s just hard to play sexy mom while you’re being a pop star as well,” Britney adds. “I just have to be true to myself and feel it out when I do stuff.” Still, the mother of Preston, 8, and Jayden, 7, shows off her skills with whips, bikinis and S&M , punishing dancers and gyrating like there’s no tomorrow. How does she reconcile the final product, toned down as it may be? “A lot of sex goes into what I do,” the Louisiana native concedes. “But sometimes I would like to bring things back to the old days.” Meaning? “When there was one outfit through the whole video, and you’re dancing the whole video, and there’s like not that much sex stuff going on.” “It’s about the dance and it’s all about being old school. It’s like keeping it real and just making it about the dance. I’d love to do a video like that.” We’re sure she would … but for a fan, would that work … bitch? It’s unlikely we’ll find out anytime soon. No word if we can expect a similar version of Sinead O’Connor’s letter to Miley Cyrus directed at the pop superstar.

See original here:
Britney Spears on "Work Bitch" Video: A Lot of Sex Goes Into What I Do!

JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.

BEFORE I START, THERE IS NO COPY RIGHT INTENDED!!! ALL CREDIT GOES TO JUSTIN BIEBER FOR THE MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO!!! so funny:’) filmed this before christmas for my sister Lottie, but due to stupid windows movie maker hadn’t been able to edit the video! i know it’s slightly out of sync in some places but never mind possibly more videos coming soon! go on give it a thumbs up, you know you want to?:P subscibe? comment? rate? wanna see me falling of a horse? – www.youtube.com xoxoxoxoxoxox AliceHeather1′s Links: weheartit.com snog.com twitter.com www.formspring.me http://www.youtube.com/v/fUOFPtM24aE?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Originally posted here: JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.

Continued here:
JUSTIN BIEBER – somebody to love / video cover by Lottie Heather.