After quotes began circulating that White thought Gaga’s music was ‘all artifice,’ he issued a statement to clear the air. By James Montgomery Lady Gaga Photo: Getty Images
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Jack White Clarifies Lady Gaga ‘Artifice’ Quote
After quotes began circulating that White thought Gaga’s music was ‘all artifice,’ he issued a statement to clear the air. By James Montgomery Lady Gaga Photo: Getty Images
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Jack White Clarifies Lady Gaga ‘Artifice’ Quote
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged all-artifice, detected, getty, Getty Images, Hollywood, invalid, James, live, Music, white
Jack White is not impressed by Lady Gaga. The singer gave an interview with Esquire UK i n which he described Mother Monster’s music in less than flattering terms. Basically, he says it’s all very superficial. “You can’t sink your teeth into it,” he added. “It’s a sound bite.” “It’s very much of this age, because that’s what people want.” “I don’t think she lives it because it’s all artifice,” he adds. The 37-year-old rocker of The White Stripes fame then mused that the “goal of modern celebrity is to make yourself into the lowest common denominator.” Ouch . Do you agree with Jack’s assessment of Gaga? Yup. All style, no substance. No. Gaga’s actually good! View Poll »
See the original post here:
Jack White Slams Lady Gaga: All Image, No Talent!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged all-artifice, detected, missing, Music, Pictures, positive-note, singer-gave, smoking-three, white-stripes