Tag Archives: smoking-three

Jovan Belcher 911 Call: Released, Horrifying

The frantic 911 call placed by Jovan Belcher’s mother after the NFL player’s girlfriend was shot Saturday has been released, and is not for the faint of heart. Belcher’s mother begged her son’s dying girlfriend, Kasandra Perkins, to stay alive while pleading for an ambulance shortly after the athlete shot her. Jovan Belcher 911 Call “She’s still breathing but please hurry,” a distraught Cheryl Shepherd says on the recording of her 911 call with Kansas City emergency dispatchers. “I don’t know how he (inaudible), they were arguing, please hurry.” She also is heard encouraging Kasandra Perkins to stay alive. “Stay with me, the ambulance is on the way. Stay with me Kasandra, stay with me,” Shepherd yells, adding that the bleeding Perkins is “just barely” awake. When a dispatcher asked about Belcher, Shepherd says only: “He left.” When police arrived at the couple’s home at about 7:50 a.m., they found Perkins’ body on the floor of the master bathroom with multiple gunshot wounds. The Kansas City Chiefs linebacker, 25, had murdered Perkins, 22, at their home, then drove to Arrowhead Stadium and shot himself in the head. He and Perkins have a three-month-old child. Jovan Belcher ‘s suicide took place in front of Chiefs general manager Scott Pioli and Coach Romeo Crennel. The tragedy has set off widespread debate – and even a strong Bob Costas gun control statement – and turned the NFL world on its head for the past week. Our hearts go out to Cheryl and her grandchild.

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Jovan Belcher 911 Call: Released, Horrifying

Bigfoot DNA Test Proves Creature is Totally Real … Maybe

Bigfoot is totally real. At least that’s what veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum claims after a five-year study of more than 100 DNA samples that she believes comes from the elusive hairy beast. Under Ketchum’s direction at DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, Texas, a team of researchers has concluded that the creature may be a human relative. One that somehow developed around 15,000 years ago as a result of a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens (modern humans) and an unknown primate. While many people have claimed to have seen the creature over the years, its existence has never been confirmed, despite a plethora of photos and footprints. The ongoing search is the subject of Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” TV series. “Well, it came to me, I didn’t go after it, that’s for sure,” Ketchum said of the evidence of Bigfoot’s existence in an exclusive interview with The Huffington Post . “I did not believe in it. But my lab did a lot of animal testing, and we did species identification. We didn’t have any hits on anything interesting until five years ago.” Ketchum’s professional work includes nearly 30 years in genetics research and forensics, and has yet to pass the scrutiny of independent researchers. After her team attempted DNA sequencing of hair samples from an alleged Bigfoot encounter, however, they say they found some unusual things in the hair. There wasn’t enough DNA to conclusively verify what they were seeing in the material, but DNA Diagnostics later received more samples to investigate. Those included hair, blood, saliva and urine, all reportedly from Bigfoot sightings. Ketchum’s team believes that over the past five years, the team has successfully found three Sasquatch nuclear genomes – an organism’s hereditary code. That, they believe, proves that the animal is real and a human hybrid. Ketchum’s study showed that part of the DNA her team sequenced revealed an unknown primate species, she said, which suggests that Bigfoot is a real creature. “They’re not any of the large apes – they are a separate lineage,” Ketchum said. “My personal theory is that it probably branched off and evolved in parallel with the rest of the primate lineage.” Bigfoot, she says, is a being “crossing with female Homo sapiens.” But skeptic Benjamin Radford told Live Science is not convinced. The scientist raised doubts about the outcome of this latest attempt to give credibility to Bigfoot . “If the data are good and the science is sound, any reputable science journal would jump at the chance to be the first to publish this groundbreaking information,” Radford said. Radford, in critiquing the findings, suggests that if the mitochondrial DNA is identical to Homo sapiens (modern humans), it could mean one of two things: “The first, endorsed by Ketchum, is that Bigfoot ancestors had sex with women about 15,000 years ago and created a half-human hybrid species currently hiding across North America.” “There is, however, another, simpler interpretation of such results: The samples were contaminated.” “Whatever the sample originally was – Bigfoot, bear, human or something else – it’s possible that the people who collected and handled the specimens accidentally introduced their DNA into the sample, which can easily occur with something as innocent as a spit, sneeze or cough.” Not so, counters Ketchum. “Early on, we started getting human results on the mitochondrial DNA – that’s maternally inherited and it can show where you’re from,” Ketchum said. “Different labs had already tested alleged Sasquatch samples in the past, and all of these labs were getting human results, so they just threw it out.” “We split the samples with another forensic lab – one worked on it manually while the other did it robotically, extracting the DNA – and we ran several tests.” “That confirmed there was no contamination. And we ended up getting human sequences on many samples.” Bigfoot: Real or fake?   Real! Fake! View Poll »

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Bigfoot DNA Test Proves Creature is Totally Real … Maybe

Reading Rainbow Remix: LeVar Burton Auto-Tuned!

PBS has released a remixed Reading Rainbow video montage, and it’s as awesome as it sounds. The show, starring LeVar Burton, aired for 30 years and is still teaching kids each year how to read, through reruns and a 2012 digital re-launch as an iPad app. Host and producer Burton picked a different theme each week – maps, inventions, etc. – and go from there. The hip Reading Rainbow remix pays homage to him: Reading Rainbow Remix The latest in a series of remixed PBS icons was produced by Symphony of Science’s John D. Boswell (a.k.a., melodysheep) for the PBS Digital Studios YouTube channel. Earlier this year, they produced a similarly unreal Mister Rogers remix .

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Reading Rainbow Remix: LeVar Burton Auto-Tuned!

Jack White Slams Lady Gaga: All Image, No Talent!

Jack White is not impressed by Lady Gaga. The singer gave an interview with Esquire UK i n which he described Mother Monster’s music in less than flattering terms. Basically, he says it’s all very superficial. “You can’t sink your teeth into it,” he added. “It’s a sound bite.” “It’s very much of this age, because that’s what people want.” “I don’t think she lives it because it’s all artifice,” he adds. The 37-year-old rocker of The White Stripes fame then mused that the “goal of modern celebrity is to make yourself into the lowest common denominator.” Ouch . Do you agree with Jack’s assessment of Gaga?   Yup. All style, no substance. No. Gaga’s actually good! View Poll »

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Jack White Slams Lady Gaga: All Image, No Talent!

Chris Brown Tweets Again, Promises "Fresh Start"

After more than a week of Twitter silence following his vulgar exchange with Jenny Johnson , Chris Brown returned to the social media site on a positive note last night. As he reintroduced himself to his 11 million followers, there wasn’t a negative word to be found. “#CarpeDiem,” Brown tweeted, then posted again later, “Time to start fresh. #newchapter.” A positive message and one we hope sticks. Of course, he still knows how to generate buzz, as evidenced by the Chris Brown smoking three joints on Instagram. For “medicinal” purposes, he wrote from Amsterdam, where marijuana is legal. From his NSFW Instagram handle (@F–kyopictures) to posting photos of himself with a half- nude Rihanna , you never know when Chris will spark controversy next. All we know is that Team Breezy will have his back every step of the way. Are you on Chris Brown’s team?   Yes! Team Breezy! No! He’s not very nice. View Poll »

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Chris Brown Tweets Again, Promises "Fresh Start"