Either there was a SARS outbreak….someone farted….or Gisele is a self conscious cunt who doesn’t want the paparazzi snapping off pics of her face….maybe cuz she has a pimple….or didn’t put her make-up on proper….or more likely she’s got a herpes scab from all the dick she’s sucked to get to the top….but maybe she got some work done….a little botox or lip injections to stay pretty for her career….but I’m think based on all evidence we have of her…from being from Brazil, marrying a jock who loves the locker room, her implants…she’s probably a lady boy packin a dick…and she didn’t get a chance to shave her beard….. That’s all I have to say about that…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Gisele is Hiding from the Paparazzi of the Day