Tag Archives: all-morning

Heidi Montag And Some Lucky Ice Cream

I know it’s a holiday today and most of you aren’t at work reading this trying to kill as much time as possible before you have to do any actual work, so you may be missing out on these sweet pictures of the new Heidi Montag and her big fake boobs eating ice cream. I’m not sure if that made any sense, but I’ve been drinking long island ice tea all morning so I’m a little out of it. Anyhow, just enjoy the pictures of Heidi so I can get back to my BBQ.

Guys Walk on Water, Call It "Liquid Mountaineering" in Viral Ad

Filed under: Videos , Sports , Marketing In this cleverly filmed viral ad for Hi-Tec’s water-repellent footwear, a bunch of guys run across the water. My editor made fun of me all morning because I asked him, “This is definitely fake, right? I mean, I know people can’t walk on water, but they’re only going a few steps out, so it’s kind of convincing, but it’s totally fake. Right?” To which he replied, ” Can…people levitate? ” Share previously:// We All Scream for Ice Cream on a Roller Coaster – Viral Marketing (Video) Continue reading