Tag Archives: all-polluting

Demi Moore is Fun of the Day

Demi Moore may be a disgusting pile of half woman with a horrible uterus that makes horrible babies…and who may be crazy but not crazy enough to do the world some good by killing off her ex husband who is clearly the devil… But she is rocking out with the rest of everyone who is anyone…you know everyone who matters…you know the cool kids…who are all polluting the already polluted cesspool that is Miami for Art Basel week…. I don’t know about you…but it is pretty arousing…you know pushing 60, plastic surgeried into something barely human, rocking a romper like she was 18, fucking dudes who are probably 18, doing it all in a very non-graceful way…kinda makes her look like she’s lost her shit..but that is ok…cuz that happened a long time ago…making this nothin’ but a good time…with a grandma aged vagina…

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Demi Moore is Fun of the Day