Tag Archives: all-supposed

Bella Hadid Models Her “B#tch Face”

I know we’re all supposed to pretend  Bella Hadid is a real professional model who keeps getting these gigs because she’s so talented and so amazing at her job, and not just because her dad is obscenely rich. So I guess I’ll play along: here’s Bella doing a photoshoot for Penshoppe and just look at all the different model faces she’s making. It’s definitely not just the same look in all ten pictures! Now, where do I pick up my check from Bella’s manager?

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Bella Hadid Models Her “B#tch Face”

Madison Beer Is 17 And Has Bad Parents

I know I’m probably the least-qualified person alive to be giving anyone parenting advice, but I was looking at these pictures of Madison Beer  at the beach, and I honestly don’t understand who lets their 17-year-old daughter wear a bikini like this. (That’s right perverts, Madison’s still 17 for another few months.) Or who lets their daughter do a fake “candid” beach photoshoot with the paps before she turns 18. Won’t somebody think of the children my readers? I don’t want any of you perverts getting in trouble here. #FOTO Madison en la playa de Miami. (29/12/16) @madisonbeer #madisonbeer A photo posted by Madison Beer Spain (@spainmadisonbeer) on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:42am PST Finally we get candids again – #madisonbeer #jackgilinsky #jadison A photo posted by @hott_selena on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:10am PST Madison at the beach in Miami yesterday! #madisonbeer @madisonbeer A photo posted by Updates of Madison Beer . (@everythingmadison_) on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:43am PST THAT SMILE KILLS MEEEEE — — @madisonbeer @madisonbeer @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @traciebeer @jackj #madisonbeer #jackgilinsky #jackjohnson #jackandjack @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @madisonbeer @madisonbeer A photo posted by – jess ☽ 2.4k unicorns Continue reading

Love Magazine Ruins Another Hottie: Rose Bertram

OK, I’m sorry. I know we’re all supposed to pretend like these LOVE Advent videos are the greatest movies ever made, just because they’ve got hotties dancing around in lingerie. But I’ve watched 30 of these things by now, and this is really the best they could come up with?  Rose Bertram eating Cheetos? If you want to see somebody eating junk food in their underwear, just come by Tuna HQ sometime. Anyway, if you ask me, they need to fire their whole staff and start over fresh next year. Because this is just sad. Continue reading

Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Xmas Video Only Has 210K Views

So, you know how we’re all supposed to pretend that Kendall Jenner is a huge A-list supermodel, and not just another rich kid with loaded parents? Well, she’s such a big “star” (AKA I bet her parents gave them a suitcase full of 20s) that Kendall managed to score herself  a second LOVE Advent video . And it’s the big one, too: their official Christmas Day video. Only I just checked the views, and after 2 days and counting, they’re not even close to 250K yet. Meanwhile, a random video of some dude unboxing a smartphone already has almost 3 million. So much for Kendall’s star power, huh? Maybe they should’ve given Day 25 to that guy instead.

See the rest here:
Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Xmas Video Only Has 210K Views

Jennifer Lawrence’s Cleavage Will Do

Here’s Jennifer Lawrence at The Hollywood Reporter Nominees’ Night , and I know that now that she’s officially the “Next Big Thing,” we’re all supposed to fall in line and go crazy over her. But like I said the other day , I just don’t find her that special. I’m sure she’s a great actress and all, but here at Hollywood Tuna, we hold our celebrities to a higher standard: namely, how much cleavage do they have to show, and how often do they show it? » view all 18 photos Related Articles: Jennifer Lawrence Stretches Out Her Shirt Jennifer Lawrence’s Tasty Front Meat Jennifer Lawrence Pumps It For Me Jennifer Lawrence Bikini Pictures For Thanksgiving Photos: WENN.com

See original here:
Jennifer Lawrence’s Cleavage Will Do

Adrienne Bailon Busts Out Some Boobs And Liquor

Apparently we’re all supposed to know who Adrienne Bailon is because she was a former Disney channel star and showed up a couple times on the Kardashian shows, but since I’m not a 15-year-old girl, neither of those are exactly at the top of my to-do list. But since Adrienne was nice enough to bust out the cleavage for the launch of her custom Valentine’s Day cocktail for HPNOTIQ, I’m happy to give her a plug. I’d also be happy to test out her new recipe, provided she’s available for body shots, that is. » view all 41 photos Photos: WENN.com

Adrienne Bailon Busts Out Some Boobs And Liquor