Lindsay Lohan posted this MEME of herself on Instagram with the best caption ever….calling out her mom in some kind of spoiled brat breakdown because her mom wasn’t there for her…which I guess is really surprising – seeing as they milked Lohan as hard as they could before throwing her into the dumps as the world forgot about her…but she’s still Lohan…and her mom is still some drunken, coked up Rockette who destroyed her… I guess what I’m saying is that I still get joy out of how broken emotionally Lohan is from her family that exploited her, so much so that she posts it to fucking instagram in some irrational crazy person tantrum…because she is a crazy person…and that is everything…things don’t change…but faces do..thanks to botox… Feels like home…a home Lohan never felt…LOLz. The post Lindsay Lohan Meltdown of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
PETA put out an ad that they are calling “banned from Superbowl”..because I guess people or marketers are still doing this “submit to superbowl to get that rejection letter to in turn promote video as a banned or rejected video”…. I should start submitting videos of me rubbing coconut oil on my nipples like I was Kanye before a night of getting finger fucked by my BAE or my BOO or whatever the fuck these assholes call each other…to say “Rejected Ad for DrunkenStepfather Finger Fucking Romance Ebook”….so all the advertising blogs pick up my genius and make me rich…right? It’s safe to say that I’m glad I’m not Vegan because it already takes me 4 hours to cum, it’s called Low Testosterone, something little Bitch Vegan’s probably have from not eating the raw flesh of beautiful living creatures like the Alpha male they are… Where this video is lying, could be in the “Lasts longer bullshit statistic”…or that the meat eater would be made a bitch by some girl fucking him in her goddamn underwear…when he would probably be more the caveman fucking her from behind and walking out on her as she cries because she wants to fucking cuddle…right? I’m not saying not eating meat makes you a pussy bitch, but it does, you crying about the welfare of animals in and of itself isn’t manly.. Why don’t you go cuddle your little puppy or kitty like a 5 year old girl faggot.. Am I right? Oh right…I have a dog who I love more than life itself…but I still eat meat and feel sad everytime I do…because little pigs don’t need to die for me to barely enjoy their flesh, the concept repulsive…but the month I did eat vegetarian…I just ate burritos, no joke, and gained 30 pounds…so if anything being Vegetarian made me the fat fuck near death that I am today.. Doesn’t matter…or does it? The post PETA’s Vegan’s Last Longer – Banned Ad of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Instead of accepting free baseball tickets after two sports announcers selfie-shamed a group of sorority sisters, the ladies of Arizona State University’s Alpha Chi Omega had a better idea.
Another HBCU is facing a hazing lawsuit after a student claims he was beaten obsessively while pledging Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. The Bowie State student,…
Another HBCU is facing a hazing lawsuit after a student claims he was beaten obsessively while pledging Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. The Bowie State student,…
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il is dead, according to NK state TV . Video here . Post your comment! Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Seeking Alpha Discovery Date : 19/12/2011 04:41 Number of articles : 2
Watch your favorite Action-Drama-Suspense TV series “ Miami Medical ” with its new episode entitles “ All Fall Down ” that released April 23, 2010. It’s a best show that you gonna wish to watch all the time. Get it free through streaming online. Current show and replays are always available on the specified television online. Synopsis of the episode: A balcony collapses injuring a couple and the trauma team is taken surprise when the wife turns treatment down; A patients arrives to the emergency room with a large amount of cash which creates a commotion between members of the Alpha team. (from TV viewer) To get access, visit and watch it here: Miami Medical Season 1 Episode 4 All Fall Down or Watch it HERE . Watch Miami Medical Season 1 Episode 4 All Fall Down Online Stream is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading →