Tag Archives: already-hurting

Live Stream the Ultra Music Fest, Fix your Hairline, Dance Motherfucker of the Day

Here is the Ultra Music Festival – Live Stream for those of you not in Miami Raving, because you’re too busy sitting at home depressed, not getting laid, a total sad case. If you are like me, you are probably self conscious of very little….but one thing you do pay attention to is whether you are starting to lose your hair. Not that it is the end of the world, but just another strike against your already hurting life. So why not do what you can now to stop it while you can, before your male pattern baldness goes into a weird, awkward, unmanageable place…..but first you need to educate yourself. 1- What Causes Hair loss – 95% of all cases are caused by genetics….genetics that trigger your testosterone (DHT) to attack your hair follicles on your head. 2- What are the remedies available – There are prescription pills that have side effects like lower sex drive…because that’s what the pills do…they hit you where you don’t want to be hit, lowering your T-count, or your Dihydo-Testosterone count, which is the hormone causes hair loss. There is also popular hair shampoo that stimulates the hair follicle and keeps it in the “growth phase”. It also comes with side effects from unwanted hair growth in other body parts, as well as headaches and even heart palpitations….sounds awesome right? Expensive chemicals that sound horrible…. There are also natural products developed by dermatologists on the market, like REVIVOGEN that work really well in the early stages of hair loss. Meaning if you have been losing your hair slowly over the last 3-5 years, this product has been scientifically proven to stop further hair loss and even regain hair already lost…in as fast as 3 months. Doctors even recommend it. These options, like REVIVOGEN have no side effects, are all natural and work. It is definitely worth trying! Studies have shows an 85% success rate in as little as 3 months! It’s a minor investment to save your balding ass head! Quit fucking around. Save yourself. To find out more FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Live Stream the Ultra Music Fest, Fix your Hairline, Dance Motherfucker of the Day