Tag Archives: always-horrible

Blake Lively Uptight Fancy Tits Shopping of the Day

Blake Lively looks like a high maintenance, pretentious, nouveau riche, bougie cunt. You know the snobby….thinks she’s elegant, classy and fancy…too good to get her hands dirty or fuck like a whore at least not with people who aren’t at her level of decadence and luxury..She’s Blake Lively and if you’re dick is inside her, she feels like she’s doing you a favor so she just lays there boring and uselss and for some reason it’s such a turn on…I love when girls think they are too good for me, cuz I know they actually are, but I still see it as a challenge to break them down… See being the homeless looking, broke ass, fat and dirty motherfucker I am, It’s always nice to think you can use your charm to break through this snotty twats….by getting them drunk and manipulating them to let you go down on their snotty twats…you know to bring you home to piss off their dads….it’s more of a challenge in this world full of easy whores that just require a bit of money or a promise of fame for a blowjob…. Blake lively is all uppity and untouchable and that makes jerking off to pics of her that much better….cuz you know you’ll never have the chance to taint her in person…you might as well take it out on your screen….

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Blake Lively Uptight Fancy Tits Shopping of the Day

Kelly Osbourne Funeral Ass for the Morbid Goth Pervets of the Day

Being the kind of guy who can get off to Kelly Osbourne makes you weird….you know with all the fatness that was never worth masturbating to even when it got skinny unless you’re an Ozzy fan and want some of the product of his sperm that stuck to uterus… Being the kind of guy who can get off to people at funerals makes you even weirder….you know with all the sadness and mourning death and celebrating life morbid shit… But being the kind of guy who can get off to Kelly Osbourne at a funeral makess you the weirdest….it’s up there with necrophilia…she’s the kind of girl that if you were forced to choose whether to fuck her or the corpse being mourned, you’d likely choose the corpse cuz it would likely be more pleasurable…and less traumatic…. I love having these useless conversations with myself…I don’t love this post…it is fucking depressing me….cuz I’ve had good friends die of drug overdoses, and the shit is fucked, you can’t make a person stop doing drugs, and getting that call is always horrible….even though you know it’s coming….so I’m not all bad…as unattractive as I find Klly Osbourne…I can relate to what she’s going through…see girls…I’ve got a soul…not as much as Amy Winehouse’s music that I was a huge fan of but you should still let me eat you out…

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Kelly Osbourne Funeral Ass for the Morbid Goth Pervets of the Day