Tag Archives: amazing-while

Kate Moss for i-D pre-Spring Issue of the Day

I Love Kate Moss….whether it is cuz she was hated for being skinny for so many years….or because despite being a 45 year old mom, she lives this rockstar life, filled with cocaine that she was caught doing on video….and various men, most of whom were questionable rockstars, you know who shared needles and fucked groupies without condoms while not showering for weeks at a time, that definitely came inside her, making her vagina a petri dish of all things glamorous, like herpes and hepatitis and even HIV…..but she carries it so well, and is so graceful about it….and looks amazing while doing it…..making her dirty panties a pair I’d love to sniff and even wear as a gas mask when the apocalypse finally happens…her scents will keep me alert and save me…..

Kate Moss for i-D pre-Spring Issue of the Day

Anne Hathaway Got Married of the Day

Anne Hathaway got married this weekend to some dude naed Adam Shulman….. I am posting it cuz she’s onee of those actors nerds, virgins and losers believe they are dating in their second life that is their first life….you know in fantasy land that is magical and amazing while real life is socially awkward and lonely… Which means a lot of you are furious…screaming at your computer screen, destroying the life sized model of her you made out of your own semen…. And that is hilarious. You people never get over the fact that she is in movies, not the character in the movies, and that if you met her, in the rare as fuck chance that you met her, it’d probably not lead to you having sex or even having a conversation with her….where you exchange numbers and plan to talk again,.So I’m glad she’s forced you to get over her…. TO SEE HER WEDDING PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE: Anne Hathaway’s recently married pre-married awesome tits in a sex scene from LOVE & OTHER DRUGS with the one celebrity I’ve had a physical altercaton with who will remain nameless cuz he’s a fucking loser and his name is too hard to type….click the MORE button….NSFW…after the jump…touch your toes…


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Anne Hathaway Got Married of the Day