Tag Archives: amputees-hate

Nadine Coyle’s Got Some Serious Legs of the Day

Her name is Nadine Coyle, she’s one of the tramps in the UK band Girls Aloud that has been made famous on blogs thanks to their lead Cheryl Cole and her prison tattoos, and apparently she’s got pretty fucking amazing legs. The kind of legs I wish they had available in parks for me to climb up and swing off of, the legs that would really make amputees hate themselves more and feel even more inadequate that they can’t walk up a flight of scares, it’s like this shit is perfection and I’m surprised I’ve never bothered with her before, because I am pretty sure I think we’re in love…however, that could just be the leftover alcohol in my blood talking…I haven’t been able to focus on my screen all day and I’ve been typing with one eye, so for all I know this bitch is a man, but with one eye and a hangover she looks like an angel… Pics via Bauer

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Nadine Coyle’s Got Some Serious Legs of the Day