In case you haven’t noticed, Christmas is up coming soon, and on the off-chance you still haven’t gotten a present for your favorite blogger (AKA yours truly), I think I just figured out what I want for the holidays this year: Anastasia Ivanovskaya . I don’t know much about the Russian Insta-hottie, but I have a feeling she’d make an amazing mail-order bride. And even though I definitely couldn’t afford her on my blogger salary on my own, I bet if all my readers chipped in, you could make it happen. So how about it? I’ve been a good blogger this year, haven’t I? Мое баловство купальники @bikini_mini Всем доброго вечера и крутецкого настроения. / Good evening. Have a good mood. #ivanovskaya #видео #видос #video #videohot A video posted by Анастасия Ивановская (@ivanovskaya_anastasia) on Nov 16, 2016 at 4:46am PST Часть 2 купальник из V.I.P.collection @bikini_mini P.S. Всем пабликам, которые пользуют мои видео ставить на меня ссылку) Станем популярнее вместе Я монстр
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged anastasia ivanovskaya, Bikini, celeb news, Christmas, followers, holidays, Hollywood, models, readers-chipped, russian, stars, the-off-chance, time-datetime, video-posted