Tag Archives: angelina-joie

Angelina Jolie Strung Out on Heroin 15 Years Ago of the Day

There’s nothing more amazing than a flat chested, strung out Angelina Jolie on heroin in the 90s, stung out and all up on some poor little rich girl with daddy issues talking about going to dinner and shopping and her mortgage like the 1% of Heroin addicts do, you know the kind who don’t get off heroin, thanks to opportunities to make millions, because they have a rich family safety net to catch them…and give them an acting career to make millions with… I don’t know, people do drugs, people love drugs, and spoiled rich kids are just as broken as homeless street kids, so I don’t see how this is an issue, if you didn’t think Angelina Jolie shot up at least once, clearly you’re a fucking idiot… I just wish there was more sadness in this, more horror, more shock value…all I see is a babe being a babe…like so many other babes – cuz ultimately drugs are good, even when her tattoos aren’t…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3YFI2khmM What a boring fucking drug addict. This should be sucking dick for coke. Not having a therapy session on coke. Talking and talking and never shutting up…pacing back and forth with all these pent up energy doing some kind of intervention with her friend…It is the fucking worst…I think she even cries when telling her friend to scale down and get a two bedroom with a pool, you know nothing crazy…what the fuck is this shit. I feel so let down. Actors fucking suck. So self involved, especially when they are spoiled brats to begin with. What a fail at drug addiction. I mean that body is tight… But heroin videos should have more convulsing, more despair…this shit is boring… I take it back…I’m 8 minutes in…there is a lot of things more amazing than Angelina Joie in a “drug den” filled with TVs and Evian Water and Cordless phones…go fuck yourself… I see more hardcore, sad, drug use every time I hire a hooker.

Angelina Jolie Strung Out on Heroin 15 Years Ago of the Day