Tag Archives: animal-crush

Where Is PETA?!? Texas Woman Pleads Guilty To Brutally Killing Then Having Sex With Cats And Dogs On Film

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty To Producing Animal Snuff Movies An ain’t isht Texas couple is facing years in prison for producing animal snuff flicks. Via Houston Chronicle : One of the first persons in the nation to face federal charges under the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of 2010 pleaded guilty in Houston on Tuesday and may become a government informant on sex trafficking crimes. Ashley Nicole Richards, 24, admitted to four counts of creating animal crush videos and one film distribution charge. Animal crush is a sexual fetish in which small mammals such as puppies and kittens are tortured, maimed or killed for the sexual gratification of observers. Videos of such acts, sometimes described as rituals or sacrifices, have been marketed for sale and broadcast online. In the films, a scantily clad Richards, sometimes masked, can be seen stabbing animals – including a puppy, a kitten and a chicken – as well as chopping off their limbs and urinating on them while making sexual comments to the camera. In one of the videos seized by authorities, Richards punctured a cat’s eye with a shoe heel. A kitten was killed in a crush series in which she starred and that was filmed, prosecutors allege, by Justice. In 2013, U.S. District Judge Sim Lake dismissed the five counts of video creation and distribution against Richards and Justice, citing the films as protected free speech under the First Amendment. But last year, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the charges, noting that the First Amendment allows limited restrictions on some speech, including obscenity, and that the federal law passed constitutional muster because of the “secondary effects” of the videos. Richards faces a federal sentence of up to seven years. Bury these sickos under the jail!!!

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Where Is PETA?!? Texas Woman Pleads Guilty To Brutally Killing Then Having Sex With Cats And Dogs On Film