Tag Archives: anorexic-girls

Coco Scares Me in a Bikini of the Day

Coco is just too big, and not in celebrity status, or relevance, but in size. I don’t get her appeal, or why a rich dude would make her his permanent hooker, but it happened and so did these pics of her in a bikini, like she’s got a hot body, because all you hip hop freaks have made her gutter ass think she does…not to mention, you’ve made otherwise anorexic girls fall into eating, to get built like this because it is deemed sexy, at least by rappers, and rappers are the new boy band, and girls always loved boy bands…. But she is in a bikini, and I posted Alanis Morrissette in a bikini, making this a little less bad, more comical, as Coco is clearly a parody or a clown in and of herself, and I’m up for any slut who admits she’s a slut. Fact. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Coco Scares Me in a Bikini of the Day

Alex Morgan in Some Fit Nike Ads of the Day

Alex Morgan is an Olympic gold medal soccer player…and due to my serious fucking hatred of fat chicks…I have recently found a love for fit chicks…prior to fitness I was happy with coked up anorexic girls who had no muscle mass and were too weak to run from me…but now I am more up to the challenge…plus fit chicks are generally jacked on happiness and endorphines while addicts and drunks who starve themselves are just a fucking barrel of issues that I’d rather not deal with….so that is why I have turned to gyms and Nike ads for my masturbation material….I guess life is about change. here are the hot pics…

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Alex Morgan in Some Fit Nike Ads of the Day