Tag Archives: another-eight

Jennifer Love Hewitt Aims to Inspire, Fails

In December 2007, Jennifer Love Hewitt lashed out at critics that mocked her bathing suit-clad body. She admirably said at the time: “To set the record straight, I’m not upset for me, but for all of the girls out there that are struggling with their body image. A size 2 is not fat! Nor will it ever be. And being a size 0 doesn’t make you beautiful.” True, inspirational words. Now, in the latest issue of People , the actress says she wants to urge young women to not focus on their weight, saying: “When I meet young girls, I’m always like, ‘Just do me one favor.’ Love what you look like right now – and remember I said it 10 years from now because it’s the greatest gift I can give.” That sounds nice and all, but Hewitt then refers to her own figure as “a work in progress” and adds: “In another eight months, it’s going to be so much better than it is today… “I’d want to have Gisele Bundchen’s body. Even though she’s tall and skinny, she does have curves… and I think that’s hot. Halle Berry also is kind of amazing.” Isn’t JLH sending a mixed message here? Should girls be happy with their bodies, or should they aspire to be like Gisele and Berry, easily two of the best looking women in the world? Call us, Jennifer. Perhaps we can have dinner together and then discuss this issue over breakfast… if you know what we mean!

See the article here:
Jennifer Love Hewitt Aims to Inspire, Fails